This is an example of what we expect in a README.
A summary of the purpose of this piece of software, for example: Delivery of Learnosity assessments to students and reporting student results to teachers.
A diagram showing all of the following:
- project inputs
- projects end users
- project outputs
- project data stores
(see mermaid documentation on how to create these diagrams)
For example:
graph LR
subgraph project_components[Hypothetical Service]
project_api[Hypothetical Service API]
project_frontend[Hypothetical Service Frontend]
subgraph datastores[Data Stores]
queue[SQS queue service]
subgraph inputs[Inputs]
event_platform_input[Event Platform]
cloud_canvas[Cloud Canvas API]
identity[Identity Server]
subgraph end_users[End Users]
subgraph outputs[Outputs]
event_platform_out[Event Platform]
event_platform_input -->|Canvas Change Events| project_api
cloud_canvas -->|Canvas User API get| project_api
identity -->|Authentication of users| project_frontend
project_frontend -->|Views a thing| student
administrator -->|Creates things| project_frontend
project_api -->|Sends create and view messages| event_platform_out
A list of links to deployed software For example:
- dev:
- prod:
A link to CI/CD for this repository For example:
A list of links to operational information, for example:
A set of comprehensive instructions to install from scratch on a developer workstation. We suggest you test these with a member from another team. For example:
In this source directory:
- Install homebrew
- Install python 3.10 using homebrew
brew install python@3.10
- Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper
pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
- Create virtual environment for project
mkvirtualenv project_name -p /opt/homebrew/opt/python@3.10/bin/python3
- Install project requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
If your system python does not include pip, you will need to make sure pip is installed :
python -m ensurepip # if your system python is at least 3.4
If your system python isn't at least 3.4, you will need to use your system package manager to install pip.
In this source directory:
- Install python
- Open project in pycharm
- Set interpreter installed python 3.10
- Open shell
- Install project requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
A set of instructions to run tests locally, for example:
A set of instructions to run service locally, for example:
python runserver
py runserver
Code owners can be found in CODEOWNERS file