Common cake build tools for SubPoint Solution projects.
Branch | Status |
dev | |
beta | |
master |
CakeBuildTools is a high level abstraction over Cakebuild aiming to provide a highly repeatable and reusable build workflow. It is used to build SPMeta2, SPMeta2 Reverse, SPMeta2 VS Extensions, SPMeta2-Spec, MetaPack, DefinitelyPacked and some other projects in a highly standartized way.
Implementation is done via cake build script which is packaged and then reused across all the builds. The aim is to hide all the complexity of the build and drive the whole build workflow via name conventions and json build configuration.
Current build handles:
- Checking presense of environment variables
- Cleaning folders
- Building *.sln files
- Building set of *.csproj files
- Running unit tests (files and groups)
- NuGet packaging and publishing
- Chocolatey packaging and publishing
- ZIP packaging (with checksums, part of Chocolatey packaging)
The following 'rules' and name conventions are encofced in order to keep the build simple:
Every solution must have "Build" project housing the following files:
- build.cake
- build.ps1
- build.json
- tools/nuget.config
- tools/nuget.exe
- tools/packages.config
- tools/packages.config.md5sum
nuget.config must have configuration to load up the main NuGet gallery plus both SubPoint Solution Staging and CI galleries:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add key="nuget" value="" />
<add key="SubPointSolutions Staging" value="" />
<add key="SubPointSolutions Appeyor CI - cakebuildtools " value="" />
packages.config must have at least two packages. That's how common build infrastructure gets delivered to Cake.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package id="Cake" version="0.17.0" />
<package id="SubPointSolutions.CakeBuildTools" version="0.1.0-alpha170521456" />
Build script must delegate all work to 'SubPointSolutions.CakeBuild.Core.cake'. Use 'load' directive to load up the core build script.
// load up common tools
#load tools/SubPointSolutions.CakeBuildTools/scripts/SubPointSolutions.CakeBuild.Core.cake
// default targets
The following builds must always pass. Use cmder in order to execute the following builds:
- powershell .\build.ps1
- powershell .\build.ps1 -Target Default-CI
Common build script provides cake tasks with the following name convention:
- Default-XXX is a target to be used in build.ps1
- Action-XXX is a self-container build task to be chained with "Default-XXX" tasks
Target | Actions |
Action-Validate-Environment | |
Action-Restore-NuGet-Packages | |
Default | Action-Clean Action-Build Action-Run-UnitTests |
Default-Build | Action-Clean Action-Build |
Default-Clean | Action-Clean |
Default-Run-UnitTests | Action-Clean Action-Build Action-Run-UnitTests |
Default-API-NuGet-Packaging | Action-Clean Action-Build Action-Run-UnitTests Action-NuGet-Packaging |
Default-API-NuGet-Publishing | Action-Clean Action-Build Action-Run-UnitTests Action-API-NuGet-Packaging Action-API-NuGet-Publishing |
Default-CLI | Action-Clean Action-Build Action-Run-UnitTests Action-API-NuGet-Packaging Action-CLI-Zip-Packaging Action-CLI-Chocolatey-Packaging |
Default-CLI-Publishing | Action-Clean Action-Build Action-Run-UnitTests Action-API-NuGet-Packaging Action-CLI-Zip-Packaging Action-CLI-Chocolatey-Packaging Action-CLI-Zip-Publishing Action-CLI-Chocolatey-Publishing |
Default-Desktop | TBD |
Default-CI | Action-Clean Action-Build Action-Run-UnitTests Action-API-NuGet-Packaging Action-CLI-Zip-Packaging Action-CLI-Chocolatey-Publishing |
All build configiration is to be driven from the build.json config.
The simpliest example can bve found below, and more complicated can be found in project repos at github (such as SPMeta2 and other projects).
"defaultSolutionDirectory": "./../",
"defaultSolutionFilePath": "./../YourSolution.sln",
"defaultNuGetPackagesDirectory": "./build-artifact-nuget-packages",
"defaultChocolateyPackagesDirectory": "./build-artifact-cli-packages",
"defaultNuspecVersion": "0.1.0",
"defaultTestCategories": [
"customNuspecs": [
"customChocolateySpecs": [
"defaultTestAssemblyPaths": [
"defaultBuildDirs": [ ],
"defaultEnvironmentVariables": [ ]
Core script exposes all default/action cake tasks as global C# variables. That allows to inject custom build tasks redefining the whole build workflow. Use the following example to get started:
// load up common tools
#tool nuget:
#load tools\SubPointSolutions.CakeBuildTools\scripts\SubPointSolutions.CakeBuild.Core.cake
// redefining default build task
// cleaning up existing actions, adding our custom one
// in that case we follow all the avialable 'Default' build profiles from the core build script
.Does(() =>
Information(string.Format("Building VSIX for solution:[{0}]", defaultSolutionFilePath));
MSBuild(defaultSolutionFilePath, settings => {
settings.Verbosity = Verbosity.Quiet;
// Building with MSBuild 12.0 fails #97
// CRAZY!! to avoid the following error
// error MSB4018: The "ValidateVsixManifest" task failed unexpectedly
settings.ToolPath = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\12.0\bin\MSBuild.exe";
// filling up default build task with custom build
// default targets
appveyor.yml config must be light. Avoid adding heavy logic into it keeping it as following:
test: off
clone_folder: c:\prj
- ps: c:\prj\Build\build.ps1 -Target "Default-CI" -Verbosity Minimal
- path: '**\packages\*.nupkg'
Check dev branches of other SubPoint Solution projects to get more understanding on how common build works and can be configured.
- Appveyor build may somehow chacnge MD5 checksum of packages.config. Disable it in build.ps1