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PrimeSonic edited this page Sep 10, 2020 · 15 revisions

QModManager has a utility built into it to help mods log relevant errors or even just info that you wish to track in the games own log file and optionally on screen in-game.

The log file can be found in the base game folder with the name qmodmanager_log-Subnautica.txt or qmodmanager_log-SubnauticaZero.txt, depending on the game.

You can access this utility through QModManager.Utility.Logger and there are 3 things you can access.

First is an Enum for what Level your logging will be showing when your message:

public enum Level

Second is a bool called DebugLogsEnabled which you can use to check if the player has enabled the debug logs of QMM in the options menu.

The third is the actual Log Method which has the following parameters:

Level: This is from the Enum above. Mandatory.
string: This is your message you want logged. Optional: (Default = null)
Exception: You can pass through an exception to be logged. Optional: (Default = null)
bool: Used if you want to display the message in-game on screen. Optional: (Default = false)

public static void Log(Level logLevel, string msg = null, Exception ex = null, bool showOnScreen = false)

While Message and Exception are both optional if both are left as null then the logger will return without doing anything.

Simple example

using QModManager.Utility;


Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Info, "My mod did something");

Logger.Log(Logger.Level.Debug, "Show my mod did something on screen", true);