Didactic Solutions is a Corporate Training System. It has two modules eLearing Module (Learning Management System) and Corporate Training Module.
- eLearning
- Corporate Training
eLearning modules
- Teacher
- Student
- Course
Corporate Training
- Course Creator
- Trainer
- Student/Trainee
- Training Session
- Training Recording
Step 00: Requirements Need to be installed before Setup
Step 01: Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Sudo-Ed-Tech/Edtech.git
Step 02: Open the repository in any text editor (VScode, Atom, etc)
Step 03: Edit the Edtech/lms_api/lms_api/settings.py file
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'NAME': 'ctp', #Create a database name 'ctp' in your MySql
'USER': '****', #Add Username here
'PASSWORD': '****', #Add Password for user
'HOST': 'localhost',
'PORT': '3306'
Or Alternatively replace the above block with this
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
'NAME': 'ctp',
Step 04: Install dependencies/requirements We are using python Virtual Environment you can go for this or chose your own way. Go inside the Edtech and run
pip install -r requirements.txt
Or We have added the python virtual environment file too, You can activate the environment by the command (Run from Edtech)
for Linux -- source ctp/bin/activate
for Windows -- workon ctp/bin/activate
or workon ctp/bin/activate.sp1
All Steps after this will be performed inside the virtual environment (ctp)
Step 05: Migrate the django models inside the database run the following commands from the direcotry Edtech/lms_api one after another
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
Step 06: Now, let's create Admin user for Backend, go inside the Edtech/lms_api and run
python manage.py createsuperuser
---complete the process
Note: This usename:password will be used to access the admin module
Step 07: After acticating the environment and admin user, go inside the Edtech/lms_api and run
python manage.py runserver
or python3 manage.py runserver
Step 08: Now, Open another tab or window in terminal go inside to the Edtech/lms_frontend and start the frontend by the command
npm start
---(this project is build on Ubuntu, so this command will work on Linux)
if you got any error on Windwos , then install the react-script in the Edtech/lms_frontend
npm install react-scripts --save
followed by
npm start
Step 09: Visit the -- [Backend]
Login with the Super User (Admin) credentials
This is the Backend
Step 10: Visit the -- [Frontend]
This is the Fronend
We are done here with the installation. 👍