A single tool and interview to centralize some tedious Docassemble admin configuration tasks.
- Install the Document Assembly Line packages (support files for Court Forms Online)
- Searchable user management - reset passwords and change privileges.
- Installing or updating several packages at once.
- Listing and viewing the contents of an (unencrypted) interview to facilitate debugging errors on production servers.
- View analytics/stats captured with
. - List the files inside a particular package installed on the server.
- Gather files from a user who left the organization/unknown username and password.
- Review screen generator
- validate DOCX Jinja2 templates
- Generate a custom bootstrap theme for your interviews.
- Add a link to the dispatch directive for an existing file in an existing package.
- Generate translation files [TBD].
To use, you must create a docassemble API key and add it to your configuration, like this:
install packages api key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
If you want the ALDashboard to be a dropdown option for admins and developers, add the following to the configuration before your install packages api key
administrative interviews:
- interview: docassemble.ALDashboard:data/questions/menu.yml
title: Dashboard
required privileges:
- admin
- developer
View / search sessions by user and interview name