- Refer this doc to setup Java Tron on your linux
- Refer this doc to setup the API server and interact with Tron Node
After the above implementation, Use the basic APIs below
This server uses LOCAL TRON NODE to check the validity of address, To get the balance & transcation tronscan API's are used, You can implement the local indexer on golang by querying with LOCAL TRON NODE directly
address = Tron Users Hex wallet address
- Get User Balance API
curl http://localhost:8080/b/:address
- Get User Transcations
curl http://localhost:8080/txn/:address
- Add limit & start if needed (default limit=10 & start = 0)
curl http://localhost:8080/txn/:address?limit=:number&start=:number
Incase the address is wrong, Then you get a response with Invalid address, Make sure the address is right Request with Address -> Check Address Validity in middleware -> Call the txn/balance APIs -> Response