💼 A-Jobsearching-App where users can register ✅ , login ✅, forgot password/reset password ✅ , apply a job ✅, post a job ✅ and see applied jobs ✅.
- First of all when users enters the website he/she can see the website heading , two buttons - Sign up and Login , and a footer. The page looks like below image.
- To use all of the website's services the users have to sign up with the website with name, title , email , password. So the signup page looks like -
- After signup with the website user have to signin with the registered email and password. And also user have to carefull while entering the password. Because , If user Enter wrong password 3 time, the users account will be blocked for 24hrs. So the signin page looks like -
- If user suppose to update or reset his/her password , user can click the link-forgot password. Here user have to provide the registered email and then user will receive a otp over the mail.Then by providing the correct otp user can reset password. So the reset password page looks like -
- After entering the correct detials (registered email and matched password) , the user will redirect to the Home page. So this is the main page for users , where users can find a logo at the top and apply a job or post a job and see the jobs applied by the user. also user can search the job by his/her skills or locations.
- User can update his profile by clicking on the logo an dthen click on the Myaccount user will redirect to the page where user can update his profile. The page looks like-
- In the homepage where all available jobs are showing, onclicking on the details button user will redirect a page where user can see the details about the job.From here user can apply a job And the page looks like -
- In this page user can post a job and the job details . the page looks like-
- In this page user can see all the jobs apllied by the user. the page looks like-
- Frontend:
create a .env file and put VITE_APP_BACKEND_URL= <your Backend URL>
npm i
npm start
- backend:
create a .env file and put
PORT= < port number in which your backend is running>
DATABASE= < Your MongoDB connection url >
SECRET= < Something at your choice >
EMAIL= <your email from where you want to send mail for password reset >
PASS = < your app password for this mail >
npm i
npm start