Note taking MERN CRUD app .
As the backend is deployed so backend folder is only to
understand the endpoints. No affect if skip the backend folder.
- /user/register route for signup
- /user/login route for signup
- /notes/ for getting all notes for a particular user and the mush have logged in.
- /notes/create for creating notes of a loggedin user.
- /notes/delete/:notesId for deleting a note of a logged in user
- /notes/edit/:notesId for updating a note of a logged in user
- In all operation (Cretae,Read,Update,Delete), it's mandatory to pass the token in head.
- signup first with email id and password , not allowed to use one emil Id more than once .
- login with correctt email and password .
- create a note, Edit a note or Delete a note . Not allowed to create/edit/delete a note without logged in.
npm i express nodemon mongoose dotenv jsonwebtoken bcrypt cors.
npm create vite@latest appname --template react
npm i react-router-dom
npm i axios
npm i react-toastify