I have created a cool Login & Sign Up form with cool animation using html, css, JavaScript. Title: Cool Animated Login and Sign-up Form
Description: This is a stylish and interactive login and sign-up form with smooth animations built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The form features an appealing design and provides a seamless transition between the login and sign-up modes, creating an engaging user experience.
The form container is positioned in the center of the page, with a clean and modern background color. The login and sign-up forms are neatly organized inside the container, making it easy for users to input their information. The form fields include placeholders for username, email, and password.
To enhance user interaction, the form employs animated transitions. When the user clicks the "Sign Up" button, the form gracefully slides to the left, revealing the sign-up form. Similarly, clicking the "Login" button smoothly slides the form back to the right, displaying the login form.
The form's appearance is further enhanced by the overlay container, which adds depth and visual interest. The overlay includes two panels: one for the login mode and the other for the sign-up mode. Each panel contains a heading and a brief description, welcoming the user to either log in or sign up. The panels are animated and slide into view accordingly when switching between the modes.
The code is neatly organized into separate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, making it easy to understand and maintain. It is also fully customizable, allowing you to modify the styling, add validation, or integrate it into your existing projects effortlessly.
Experience a visually appealing and interactive login and sign-up process with this cool animated form!
- Responsive design for various screen sizes
- Smooth transitions and animations
- Engaging user experience
- Neatly organized code
- Customizable and easy to integrate
Hosted Link: https://sukhendu2000.github.io/Sign-Up_Form/