An array-oriented language with a modular backend
A compiled array-oriented language running on LLVM with a modular backend to support development for multiple platforms. This compiler supports optional implicit typing so it remains safe while not getting in your way.
This project relies heavily on:
- llir/llvm which provides LLVM generation for Go
- participle which is used to define the parser
- clang for the heavy lifting as linker and assembler
The following demonstrates Solution's implicit typing system, Demo
is automatically typed as Int×Int
and takes the minimum of the two arguments to the power of the maximum using a dyadic train.
The second function calculates the average of a numeric vector using a similar 3-arity dyadic train, however the leftmost side of this train is a function-operator combination, +/
(add-reduce) which is equivalent to a sum.
@Package dev;
Main Int → Void {
8 Demo 2;
dev::Avg 1 3 99;
Demo → Void {
Println α (⌊*⌈) ω;
Avg → Void {
Println (+/÷≢) ω;
go run solution.go test
go build solution.go
./solution input.sol -emit purellvm
clang libsol.c -S -emit-llvm -O0 -o libsol.ll
clang input.ll libsol.ll -Og -o bin