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Fix KPM.jl.
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[Harry Lane] committed Jul 31, 2023
1 parent 2d1e57c commit c5628e5
Showing 1 changed file with 163 additions and 0 deletions.
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions src/SpinWaveTheory/KPM.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
This code will implement the Kernal Polynomial method to approximate the dynamical spin structure factor (DSSF).
The method takes advantage of the fact that the DSSF can be written as a matrix function and hence we can avoid
diagonalizing the Hamiltonian. Futher, implementing the KPM we do not even need to explicity construct the matrix
function, instead we only need to evaluate the application of the function to some vector. For sparce matrices this
is efficient making this approximate approach useful in systems with large unit cells.

bose_function(kT, x)
Returns the Bose occupation factor for energy, x, at temperature kT.

function bose_function(kT, x)
return 1 / (exp(x/kT) - 1)

get_all_coefficients(M, ωs, broadening, σ, kT,γ)
Retrieves the Chebyshev coefficients up to index, M for a user-defined lineshape. A numerical regularization is applied to
treat the divergence of the dynamical correlation function at small energy. Here, σ² represents an energy cutoff scale
which should be related to the energy resolution. γ is the maximum eigenvalue used to rescale the spectrum to lie on the
interval [-1,1].
function get_all_coefficients(M, ωs, broadening, σ, kT,γ)
f(ω, x) = tanh((x/σ)^2) * broadening(ω, x*γ, σ) * (1 + bose_function(kT, x))
output = OffsetArray(zeros(M, length(ωs)), 0:M-1, 1:length(ωs))
for i in eachindex(ωs)
output[:, i] = cheb_coefs(M, 2M, x -> f(ωs[i], x), (-1, 1))
return output

apply_kernel(offset_array, kernel, M)
Applies the Jackson kernel (defined in Chebyshev.jl) to an OffsetArray. The Jackson kernel damps the coefficients of the
Chebyshev expansion to reduce "Gibbs oscillations" or "ringing" -- numerical artifacts present due to the truncation offset_array
the Chebyshev series. It should be noted that employing the Jackson kernel comes at a cost to the energy resolution.

function apply_kernel(offset_array, kernel, M)
kernel === "jackson" ? offset_array .= offset_array .* jackson_kernel(M) :
return offset_array

kpm_dssf(swt::SpinWaveTheory, qs,ωlist,P::Int64,kT,σ,broadening; kernel)
Calculated the Dynamical Spin Structure Factor (DSSF) using the Kernel Polynomial Method (KPM). Requires input in the form of a
SpinWaveTheory which contains System information and the rotated spin matrices. The calculation is carried out at each wavevectors
in qs for all energies appearing in ωlist. The Chebyshev expansion is taken to P terms and the lineshape is specified by the user-
defined function, broadening. kT is required for the calcualation of the bose function and σ is the width of the lineshape and
defines the low energy cutoff σ². There is a keyword argument, kernel, which speficies a damping kernel.

function kpm_dssf(swt::SpinWaveTheory, qs,ωlist,P::Int64,kT,σ,broadening; kernel)
# P is the max Chebyshyev coefficient
(; sys, s̃_mat, T̃_mat, Q̃_mat,positions_chem) = swt
qs = Sunny.Vec3.(qs)
Nm, Ns = length(sys.dipoles), sys.Ns[1] # number of magnetic atoms and dimension of Hilbert space
Nf = sys.mode == :SUN ? Ns-1 : 1
nmodes = Nf*Nm
M = sys.mode == :SUN ? 1 : (Ns-1) # scaling factor (=1) if in the fundamental representation
sqrt_M = M #define prefactors
sqrt_Nm_inv = 1.0 / Nm #define prefactors
Ĩ = spdiagm([ones(nmodes); -ones(nmodes)])
n_iters = 50
Hmat = zeros(ComplexF64, 2*nmodes, 2*nmodes)
Avec_pref = zeros(ComplexF64, Nm) # initialize array of some prefactors
chebyshev_moments = OffsetArray(zeros(ComplexF64,3,3,length(qs),P),1:3,1:3,1:length(qs),0:P-1)
Sαβs = zeros(ComplexF64,3,3,length(qs),length(ωlist))
for qidx in CartesianIndices(qs)
q = qs[qidx]
_, qmag = Sunny.chemical_to_magnetic(swt, q)
u = zeros(ComplexF64,3,2*nmodes)
if sys.mode == :SUN
swt_hamiltonian_SUN!(swt, qmag, Hmat)
#swt_hamiltonian_dipole!(swt, qmag, Hmat) # this will break, update with new dipole mode code later
throw("Please set mode = :SUN ")
D = 2.0*sparse(Hmat) # calculate D (factor of 2 for correspondence)
lo,hi = Sunny.eigbounds(D,n_iters; extend=0.25) # calculate bounds
γ=max(lo,hi) # select upper bound (combine with the preceeding line later)
A =*D / γ
# u(q) calculation)
for site = 1:Nm
# note that d is the chemical coordinates
chemical_coor = positions_chem[site] # find chemical coords
phase = exp(2*im * π * dot(q, chemical_coor)) # calculate phase
Avec_pref[site] = sqrt_Nm_inv * phase * sqrt_M # define the prefactor of the tS matrices
# calculate u(q)
for site=1:Nm
@views tS_μ = s̃_mat[:, :, :, site]*Avec_pref[site]
for μ=1:3
for j=2:N
u[μ,(j-1)+(site-1)*(N-1) ]=tS_μ[j,1,μ]
u[μ,(N-1)*Nm+(j-1)+(site-1)*(N-1) ]=tS_μ[1,j,μ]
for β=1:3
α0 = zeros(ComplexF64,2*nmodes)
α1 = zeros(ComplexF64,2*nmodes)
mul!(α0,Ĩ,u[β,:]) # calculate α0
mul!(α1,A,α0) # calculate α1
for α=1:3
chebyshev_moments[α,β,qidx,0] = real(dot(u[α,:],α0))
chebyshev_moments[α,β,qidx,1] = real(dot(u[α,:],α1))
for m=2:P-1
αnew = zeros(ComplexF64,2*nmodes)
@. αnew = 2*αnew - α0
for α=1:3
chebyshev_moments[α,β,qidx,m] = real(dot(u[α,:],αnew))
(α1, α0) = (αnew, α1)
ωdep = get_all_coefficients(P,ωlist,broadening,σ,kT,γ)
for w=1:length(ωlist)
for α=1:3
for β=1:3
Sαβs[α,β,qidx,w] = sum(chebyshev_moments[α,β,qidx,:] .* ωdep[:,w])
return Sαβs

kpm_intensities(swt::SpinWaveTheory, qs,ωlist,P::Int64,kT,σ,broadening; kernel)
Calculated the neutron scattering intensity using the Kernel Polynomial Method (KPM). Calls KPMddsf and so takes the same parameters.
Requires input in the form of a SpinWaveTheory which contains System information and the rotated spin matrices. The calculation is
carried out at each wavevectors in qs for all energies appearing in ωlist. The Chebyshev expansion is taken to P terms and the
lineshape is specified by the user-defined function, broadening. kT is required for the calcualation of the bose function and σ is
the width of the lineshape and defines the low energy cutoff σ². There is an optional keyword argument, kernel, which speficies a
damping kernel. The default is to include no damping.
function kpm_intensities(swt::SpinWaveTheory, qs, ωvals,P::Int64,kT,σ,broadening; kernel = nothing)
(; sys) = swt
qs = Sunny.Vec3.(qs)
Sαβs = kpm_dssf(swt, qs,ωvals,P,kT,σ,broadening;kernel)
num_ω = length(ωvals)
is = zeros(Float64, size(qs)..., num_ω)
for qidx in CartesianIndices(qs)
polar_mat = Sunny.polarization_matrix(swt.recipvecs_chem * qs[qidx])
is[qidx, :] = real(sum(polar_mat .* Sαβs[:,:,qidx,:],dims=(1,2)))
return is

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