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ℹ️ Update: Highlight.js has released an official vue plugin since Mar 23, 2021. See highlightjs/vue-plugin.

This is a vue plugin which allows you to highlight code blocks via vue-directive.


npm install vue-hljs highlight.js


yarn add vue-hljs highlight.js


import { createApp } from 'vue'
import vueHljs from "vue-hljs";
import hljs from "highlight.js";
//if you want to use default color, import this css file
import "vue-hljs/dist/style.css";

const app = createApp({})
app.use(vueHljs, { hljs })
<div v-highlight>
    <!-- you can specify language by modifing the class attribute -->
    <code class="typescript">...</code>

Use your own style

This plugin use gruvbox-dark as default style.

You can wirte your own style or see highlight.js demo. And then import your css file in Vue project entry.

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