A simple spigot plugin to add cool animated decorations to your minecraft spawn.
Demo video: https://youtu.be/7_gPurFwPRg
Support Discord: https://discord.gg/PUnTJHThxJ
How to use it:
/spawndecoration -> getInfo and help of the command
/spawndecoration reload -> reload the plugin, load and respawn the models
/spawndecoration record -> start a new record,
left click to stop the record is automaticly save in the recordlocation
DecorationFile go to folder decorations and create new .yml file inside you can create
decorations as much as you want example of configuration bellow
Modelisation if you want the same result as mine, use segmented part,
put in front of the name of you bone seg_ and put bone in bone, the first bone
should be generaly the head so put h_ in the front of the head bone name
you can animate the model if you created a idle animation
I've developed this plugin in 20 min, if you find bug mp me
Obviously this plugin uses modelengine as dependency
You can create sub folder inside recordlocation and decorations folder
as much as you want to organise all your files
The plugin don't use packet, and the teleportation turn syncronously (you shouldn't have performance impact btw all the locations is in cache, just every decoration is teleported every tick)
Currently only work in 1.19 (I don't test other versions) at the base for my personal use but if you are interested use it
Example of decoration configuration:
# Name of the decoration (put anything you want doesn't really matter)
# ModelEngine model id of the decoration
model: "lightspeed_orange_red"
# Name of the record you recorded with the command (record name file)
record: "lightspeed_1"
model: "lightspeed_orange_red"
record: "lightspeed_2"
model: "jap_red_dragon"
record: "jap_red_dragon"