Communicate with the Noxesium Mod with ease.
🇺🇦 Made in Ukraine! Зроблено в Україні!
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With NoxesiumUtils 2.0.0 I am switching to the com.noxcrew.noxesium.paper implementation, instead of my own. This makes maintaining NoxesiumUtils easier.
You can also join my Discord Server if you want to ask me about how to qib (or anything about my work basically)!
Move to the PR
Noxesium Mod (by Noxcrew) is a fabric mod with feature additions, bugfixes, and performance improvements. It allows servers to offer a better experience to clients through access to additional features beyond vanilla limitations. However, servers need to have a plugin to communicate with the mod to actually be able to use it's features, and that's where NoxesiumUtils comes in. It allows server owners to easily communicate with the mod via commands and can also be used as a dependency for plugin developers.
- Send server rules on join
- Send server rules to players with commands
- Check player's client settings.
- There is a little more to it, lol.
- Maybe more soon 🤔
- Paper 1.20+
- CommandAPI
- The plugin won't do anything to players without the mod
Send Server Rule. Sends a server rule to a selection of players.
/noxesiumutils serverrule <rule> <players: selector> <value>
/noxesiumutils serverrule <rule> <players: selector> reset
/noxesiumutils entityrule <rule> <entities: selector> <value>
/noxesiumutils entityrule <rule> <entities: selector> reset
/noxesiumutils check <player: player>
/noxesiumutils check <players: selector>
/noxesiumutils clientSettings <player: player>
For more detailed information on how everything here works, please refer to the Noxesium Mod README!
The default config looks like this. Right now it only contains a setting to send server rules to a player on join.
# View Protocol documentation and information about the mod here:
# Add some extra output for debugging purposes
extraDebugOutput: false
# If true will check the plugin's version once in a while.
checkForUpdates: true
# It true will send defaults to Noxesium Players on join.
sendDefaultsOnJoin: false
# Comment out the line if you don't want to send that rule.
#cameraLocked: false
#disableBoatCollisions: false
#disableDeferredChunkUpdates: false
#disableMapUi: false
#disableSpinAttackCollisions: false
#disableUiOptimizations: false
#disableVanillaMusic: false
#enableSmootherClientTrident: false
#heldItemNameOffset: 0
#overrideGraphicsMode: FAST
#riptideCoyoteTime: 0
#showMapInUi: false
#customCreativeItems: []
For example, the following changes will make the plugin automatically send
the players disableSpinAttackCollisions = true
on join.
sendDefaultsOnJoin: true
disableSpinAttackCollisions: true
What are Qibs? Good question. I won't explain it perfectly, so please read the comments in this file in Noxcrew/noxesium.
The qibDefinitions
list is a place to define the definitions which are made up of QibEffects (see list of them here).
Here's an example of a QibDefinition in the config:
onEnter: 'play_ding'
onLeave: 'play_ding'
triggerEnterLeaveOnSwitch: false
Now scary part: writing QibEffects.
Each QibEffect is saved in its own json file which is saved in plugins/NoxesiumUtils/qibs
Example of a QibEffect which plays the ding sound (plugins/NoxesiumUtils/qibs/play_ding.json
"type": "PlaySound",
"effect": {
"namespace": "minecraft",
"path": "entity.experience_orb.pickup",
"volume": 1.0,
"pitch": 1.0
(probably very useful to some) A jumppad QibEffect example:
"type": "Multiple",
"effect": {
"effects": [
"type": "PlaySound",
"effect": {
"namespace": "minecraft",
"path": "entity.experience_orb.pickup",
"volume": 1.0,
"pitch": 1.0
"type": "Wait",
"effect": {
"ticks": 1,
"effect": {
"type": "SetVelocityYawPitch",
"effect": {
"yaw": 0,
"yawRelative": true,
"pitch": -45,
"pitchRelative": false,
"strength": 2.0,
"limit": 2.5
After making a QibEffect you use the file name of a QibEffect as an ID in a QibDefinition section (all fields are optional):
onEnter: 'QIB_EFFECT_ID'
onLeave: 'QIB_EFFECT_ID'
whileInside: 'QIB_EFFECT_ID'
triggerEnterLeaveOnSwitch: false
After that you can reload the server and apply the rule to an entity:
/noxesiumutils entityRules qibBehavior [ENTITY] ding
And enable the Qib for all players:
/noxesiumutils serverRules qibBehaviors @a ding
You cat enable a tab in the creative inventory menu for Noxesium players with
a command (/noxesiumutils serverRules customCreativeItems @a true
This is the place where you define these items. Here's an example:
- 'minecraft:stick[minecraft:enchantments={levels:{"minecraft:knockback":25}}]'
- 'netherite_chestplate[trim={pattern:wild,material:emerald},custom_name=''["",{"text":"Silly name ngl","italic":false}]'',lore=[''["",{"text":"I dont !!!!!!! understand how i will implement this","italic":false}]''],enchantments={levels:{aqua_affinity:1,blast_protection:4,protection:5}},custom_model_data=2]'
Adding NoxesiumUtils to your project
You can easily add NoxesiumUtils to your project from the Modrinth Maven Repository!
Since NoxesiumUtils is now using Noxesium/paper it might actually be better for you to just implement it yourself. I will attempt making NoxesiumUtils worth being a dependency in update 2.1.
<name>Neon Repository</name>
<name>Noxcrew Public Maven Repository</name>
maven {
name "neonRepositoryReleases"
url ""
maven {
name "noxcrewMaven"
url ""
implementation "me.superneon4ik:NoxesiumUtils:LATEST_VERSION"
implementation "com.noxcrew.noxesium:api:LATEST_VERSION"
Get player's protocol version
int protocolVersion = NoxesiumUtils.getManager().getProtocolVersion(player);
Get player's client settings
ClientSettings clientSettings = NoxesiumUtils.getManager().getClientSettings(player);
Noxesium events
public class EventListener implements Listener {
public void on(NoxesiumPlayerJoinEvent event) {
// Received player's noxesium protocol version
Player player = event.getPlayer();
int protocolVersion = event.getProtocolVersion();
public void on(NoxesiumPlayerClientSettingsEvent event) {
// Received player's client settings
Player player = event.getPlayer();
ClientSettings clientSettings = event.getClientSettings();
More code examples coming in the near future...