The listed programs were used to generate all valid Icelandic kennitala, then create a DFA that recognizes them. It was huge, containing 13.6 million states. This DFA was then minimized with this program. Surprisingly, you only need 132 states to match Icelandic kennitala!
The states program was then used to generate this regex (warning: large file) for matching Icelandic kennitala. Unfortunately it's huge.
Finding the smallest regular expression that matches a given regular language
(even a finite one) is an NP-Complete problem, and explains the huge blowup in
size after running the State Elimination Method, which states
However, the order in which states are eliminated plays a big role in how large
this blowup is. Using Simulated Annealing to find an elimination order that
minimizes this blowup, a 14,791 byte regex for Icelandic kennitala was
Note: This regex matches valid kennitala of individuals born between 1800 and 2099. See this article for a classification of valid kennitala.