MATLAB Programs and outputs for Power System Engineering Lab (EEL76)
No | Experiment | Status |
1. | Formation of Y-Bus for a given network without mutual coupling | ✅ |
2. | Formation of Z-Bus using building algorithm | ✅ |
3. | Determination of ABCD Parameters, Regulation and Transmission Effeciency of a Transmission Line | ✅ |
4. | Determination of power angle curve for a salient pole and non-salient pole synchronous machine | ✅ |
5. | To plot swing curve, find the system stability and critical clearing time for a single machine connected to an infinite bus | ✅ |
6. | Load flow analysis using Gauss-Siedel and Newton-Raphson method | ✅ |
7. | Optimal generator scheduling for a thermal power plant | ✅ |
8. | Fault Analysis in power system | ✅ |
9. | Fault analysis on isolated 3-phase synchronous machine | ✅ |
10. | Voltage control by load compensation | ✅ |
├── Experiment 1
│ ├── Experiment1.m
│ └── Experiment1.pdf
├── Experiment 10
│ ├── Exp10_output.pdf
│ ├── compensation.pdf
│ └── compensation.slx
├── Experiment 2
│ ├── Experiment2.m
│ └── Experiment2.pdf
├── Experiment 3
│ ├── Experiment3.m
│ ├── exp3-long-tl-PI.pdf
│ ├── exp3-long-tl-T.pdf
│ ├── exp3-medium-tl-PI.pdf
│ ├── exp3-medium-tl-T.pdf
│ └── exp3-short-tl.pdf
├── Experiment 4
│ ├── Exp4_graph_non_salient_pole.pdf
│ ├── Exp4_graph_salient_pole.pdf
│ ├── Experiment4.m
│ ├── Experiment4.pdf
│ ├── Experiment4_xd_eq_xq.pdf
│ └── Experiment4_xd_neq_xq.pdf
├── Experiment 5
│ ├── Exp5.m
│ ├── Exp5.pdf
│ ├── Exp5_simulink.pdf
│ ├── Exp5_simulink.slx
│ └── Experiment5_simulink_output.pdf
├── Experiment 6
│ ├── Exp6.m
│ └── Exp6.pdf
├── Experiment 7
│ ├── Exp7.m
│ └── Exp7.pdf
├── Experiment 8
│ ├── 1Supreeth_1MS19EE0570L.out0
│ ├── 1Supreeth_1MS19EE0570S.out0
│ ├── Supreeth_1MS19EE057.mdb
│ └── circuit_diagram.bmp
├── Experiment 9
│ ├── Exp9_Diagram.jpeg
│ ├── Load Angle.xps
│ ├── stator_current.xps
│ └── vf.xps
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