Idena pool manager automates the process of managing an Idena pool. It logs the delegators and their stake in a local database and generates a transaction automatically. All you have to do is to confirm. It also shows information about the pool and the delegators.
Install Deno:
curl -fsSL | sh
Setup the project:
git clone
cp .env.example .env
# Edit .env by adding your pool address and following the Telegram bot setup
deno cache --unstable --reload --lock=deno.lock --lock-write main.ts
deno task init
Create a cronjob to run the script every day at 18:00 (UTC*):
0 18 * * * cd /path/to/idena-pool-manager && deno task payout
- check your local timezone with
date +%Z
and adjust the cronjob accordingly
Run deno task payout force
1h after the validation.
Create a Telegram bot via BotFather and follow these steps:
- Open<Bot_token>/getUpdates
page. - Send one message to the Bot.
- Find this message and navigate to the
key. - Put this id to the .env file as TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID.
The bot will send you a message every time it checks the pool.
deno task info # shows information about the pool
deno task delegators # shows all delegators in the pool
deno task payout # pays out the delegators
deno run --allow-all --unstable main.ts listTxs <address> # lists all transactions for an address
deno run --allow-all --unstable main.ts checkDB <address> # checks the local db entry for the given address
This software is provided as is. Use at your own risk. Idena pool manager will not send any transactions on your behalf. Idena pool manager, nor the author are responsible for any loss of your funds.