An ARK API wrapper, written in TypeScript to interact with ARK blockchain.
TSARK is a library client designed to facilitate how you interact with the ARK blockchain.
- TypeScript is is a superset of JavaScript which mainly offers optional static typing, classes, and interfaces. The learning curve is not that steep.
- Types are optional, TSARK compiles into ES5 so you can work with both, ECMAScript or TypeScript.
- A better development experience, including auto-complete and fully documented.
API documentation is hosted on github pages, and is generated from TypeDoc.
TSARK is avaliable from npm
yarn add ark-ts
npm i ark-ts --save
For the best TypeScript experience, you should either use Visual Studio Code, or a plug-in for your favorite text editor.
Get delegate list from Devnet network.
import { Client, Network, NetworkType } from 'ark-ts';
const devnet = Network.getDefault(NetworkType.Devnet);
const client = new Client(devnet);
client.delegate.list().subscribe((list) => {
Get address from passphrase.
import { PrivateKey } from 'ark-ts/core';
// if no specify a second param, default is mainnet
const key = PrivateKey.fromSeed('my secret passphrase');
console.log(key.getPublicKey().getAddress()); // AaWU6X3pGdtSCK3s9weo9tjth64F3hixgT
For more examples please see documentation or look for tests in each directory.
npm run test
If you discover a security vulnerability within this project, please send an e-mail to All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
- If you find any bugs, submit an issue or open pull-request, helping us catch and fix them.
- Engage with other users and developers on ARK Slack.
- Join the #development channel on Slack or contact our developer Lúcio (@lorenzo).
- Contribute bounties.
Lúcio Rubens - @luciorubeens;
TSARK is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.