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Scalable Nextflow implementation of germline alignment and short variant calling with Parabricks for NCI Gadi HPC.


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Parabricks Germline Genomics


Parabricks-Genomics-nf is a GPU-enabled pipeline for alignment and germline short variant calling for short read sequencing data. The pipeline utilises NVIDIA's Clara Parabricks toolkit to dramatically speed up the execution of best practice bioinformatics tools. Currently, this pipeline is configured specifically for NCI's Gadi HPC.

NVIDIA's Clara Parabricks can deliver a significant speed improvement over traditional CPU-based methods, and is designed to be used only with NVIDIA GPUs. This pipeline is suitable for population screening projects as it executes Parabrick's implementations of BWA mem for short read alignment and Google's DeepVariant for short variant calling. Additionally, it uses standard CPU implementations of data quality evaluation tools FastQC and MultiQC and DNAnexus' GLnexus for scalable gVCF merging and joint variant calling. Optionally, Variant Effect Predictor (VEP) can be run for variant annotation.

DeepVariant and GLnexus have been shown to outperform GATK's HaplotypeCaller and GenomicsDB in terms of accuracy and scalability (Yun et al. 2020, Barbitoff et al. 2022, Lin et al. 2022, Abdelwahab et al. 2023). DeepVariant employs a deep learning technique to call short variants (SNVs and indels) which leads to higher accuracy and sensitivity compared with traditional variant callers. However, it has only been trained on human data.

Users intending to use this pipeline for non-human species should consider the findings of this post regarding Mendelian violation rate to determine if this pipeline meets their needs. GLnexus is a scalable joint genotyper that can merge gVCFs from multiple samples and call variants in a single step. Please submit a feature request issue on this repository to request support for non-human species.

User guide (NCI Gadi HPC only)

NCI has installed a slightly customised version of Nextflow on Gadi that allows you to simplify the use of the clusterOptions directive, specific to the system. See NCI's Nextflow guide for details and the gadi.config for how this has been implemented in this pipeline.

0. Set up

Download the code contained in this repository with:

git clone

This will create a directory with the following structure:

├── assets/
├── bin/
├── config/
├── modules/
├── nextflow.config

The important features are:

  • contains the main nextflow script that calls all the processes in the workflow.
  • nextflow.config contains default parameters to use in the pipeline.
  • config contains infrastructure-specific configuration files.
  • modules contains individual process files for each step in the workflow.
  • bin contains scripts executed by the pipeline

Keep in mind that this pipeline assumes all your data will be contained within one project code's /scratch and /g/data directories, as specified by the parameter --gadi_account. If you are working across multiple project codes, you will need to manually edit this line in the gadi.config to reflect this:

storage = "scratch/${params.gadi_account}+gdata/${params.gadi_account}"

As with all Gadi jobs, Nextflow processes run by this pipeline will only be able to access project directories specified by the # PBS -lstorage variable.

1. Prepare inputs

To run this pipeline you will need the following sample inputs:

  • Paired-end fastq files
  • Input sample sheet

This pipeline processes paired-end fastq files and is capable of processing multiple samples in parallel. You will need to create a sample sheet with all metadata for the cohort you are processing, before running the pipeline. This file must be comma-separated and contain a header and one row per sample. Columns should correspond to sample,fq1,fq2,platform,library,center, where:

  • header must be written as sample,fq1,fq2,platform,library,center
  • sample is the unique identifier for the sample
  • fq1 is the path to the first fastq file
  • fq2 is the path to the second fastq file
  • platform is the sequencing platform used (e.g. illumina)
  • library is the library identifier (e.g. 1)
  • center is the sequencing center (e.g. nfcoreraredisease)

For samples with > 1 fastq pairs, create a new line for each fastq pair. The pipeline is designed to handle multiple fastq pairs per sample if required.

Here is an example of what your input file should look like. Note sample1 has multiple fastq pairs across two lanes, while sample2 and sample3 have one fastq pair each:


When you run the pipeline, you will use the mandatory --input parameter to specify the location and name of the input file:

--input /path/to/samples.tsv

2. Prepare reference materials

To run this pipeline you will need the following reference files:

  • A reference genome in FASTA format
  • [Optional] A VEP cache for variant annotation with VEP

2.1 Reference fasta

You will need to download a copy of the reference genome you would like to use. If you are working with a species that has a public reference genome, you can download FASTA files from the Ensembl, UCSC, or NCBI ftp sites.

If your reference fasta is not already indexed, the bwa_index process in this pipeline will index the provided fasta file using bwa index.

When you run the pipeline, you will use the mandatory --ref parameter to specify the location and name of the reference.fasta file:

--ref /path/to/reference.fasta

2.2 Variant effect predictor cache

An optional feature of this workflow is to annotate output variants with Ensembl's Variant Effect Predictor. You can opt to download the required cache using the --download_vep_cache flag, additionally specifying the species and assembly you require:

--vep_species homo_sapiens
--vep_assembly GRCh38

For available species caches, please see the VEP cache download site to determine which species and assembly you need to specify. Please keep in mind that VEP requires you to specify species and assembly as they are named in these files.

3. Run the pipeline

The most basic run command for this pipeline is:

nextflow run --input sample.tsv --ref /path/to/ref -gadi_account <account-code> -profile gadi

This will run the following processes:

  • Check validity of provided inputs
  • FastQC for summary of raw reads
  • BWA index if bwa indexes for your provided reference fasta are not detected
  • Parabricks' fq2bam for performing read alignment and generating bam files for individuals
  • Parabricks' deepvariant for performing SNV/indel genotyping for individuals
  • Parabricks' bammetrics for generating alignment metrics
  • Glnexus for joint genotyping of all individuals and creation of a cohort-level BCF file
  • BCFtools convert to convert the cohort BCF to a VCF
  • BCFtools stats for summary statistics of the cohort VCF
  • MultiQC for generating a summary html report of all processes

Additionally, you can run variant annotation using variant effect predictor by adding some additional flags --download_vep_cache, --vep_species, and --vep_assembly as specified in section 2.2 above:

nextflow run --input <samplesheet.csv> --ref <ref.fasta> --download_vep_cache --vep_species <species> --vep_assembly <genome assembly> -gadi_account <account-code> -profile gadi 

In addition to all steps above, this will run:

  • VEP download to collect the cache required for variant annotation
  • VEP annotate to annotate the cohort VCF with downloade cache data

You will need to identify which species and assembly you require for the VEP cache download. See section 2.2 above for instructions on how to do this. For example, running on a human dataset, aligned to the GRCh38 reference genome, you would use the following command:

nextflow run --input samplesheet.csv --ref path/to/GRCh38.fasta --download_vep_cache --vep_species homo_sapiens --vep_assembly GRCh38 -gadi_account <account-code> -profile gadi 

If you are working across multiple project spaces on Gadi and need access to additional storage beyond -gadi_account <account-code>, you can use the -storage_account <account-code> to specify access to storage in addition to /g/data and /scratch for connected to the -gadi_account project.

You can see all flags supported by this pipeline by running:

nextflow run --help

4. Review results

By default, all outputs of this pipeline will be saved to a directory called results. You can customise the name of this directory using the --outdir flag. The structure of the saved outputs are:

├── annotations/
├── bams/
├── fastqc/
├── multiqc/
├── variants/
└── VEP_cache/
  • fastqc/ contains fastq-level summary reports organised into sample-level subdirectories
  • bams/ contains alignment files and qc reports organised into sample-level subdirectories
  • variants/ contains sample-level g.vcf files organised into sample-level subdirectories, a cohort-level bcf and vcf file, and a cohort-level variant summary file
  • annotations/ contains an annotated cohort-level VEP file and cohort-level summary report
  • multiqc/ contains a summary report of all processes run by the pipeline
  • VEP_cache/ contains the downloaded VEP cache files used for variant annotation

As first port of call, we recommend looking through the MultiQC report to confirm there are no unexpected results or quality issues with any samples.

Running on other infrastructures

To run this pipeline on infrastructures other than NCI Gadi, you will need to create a custom configuration file and include this within the profiles {} section in the nextflow.config.

Workflow summaries


Metadata field Parabricks-Genomics-nf / v1.0.0
Version 1.0.0
Maturity First release
Creators Georgie Samaha
Source NA
License GNU General Public License v3.0
Workflow manager Nextflow
Container See component tools
Install method NA
GitHub NA
BioContainers NA
bioconda NA

Component tools

To run this pipeline you must have Nextflow and Singularity installed. All other tools are run as containers using Singularity.

Tool Version
Nextflow >=20.07.1
Parabricks 4.2.0
BCFtools 1.17
BWA 0.7.17
FastQC 0.12.1
Glnexus 0.2.7
MultiQC 1.21
VEP 110.1

Additional notes

Error troubleshooting

Parabricks error reporting can be a bit vague sometimes. If you find you are receiving an error:

cudaSafeCall() failed at ParaBricks/src/ an illegal memory access was encountered

Check your fasta is formatted correctly and that your input files are all correctly captured by the storage variable in the nextflow.config.

VEP cache download

This download speed for this process can be a bit inconsistent and is dependent on Ensembl's ftp server. Sometimes it takes a couple of minutes, other times it can take hours. If you are having trouble downloading the cache, delete the specific work directory corresponding to the download process and rerun the pipeline using the -resume flag.

Help / FAQ / Troubleshooting

Submit an issue to get in contact with us regarding:


Acknowledgements (and co-authorship, where appropriate) are an important way for us to demonstrate the value we bring to your research. Your research outcomes are vital for ongoing funding of the Sydney Informatics Hub and national compute facilities.


  • Georgina Samaha (Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney)
  • Cali Willet (Sydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney)

Suggested acknowledgement

The authors acknowledge the support provided by the Sydney Informatics Hub, a Core Research Facility of the University of Sydney. This research/project was undertaken with the assistance of resources and services from the National Computational Infrastructure (NCI), which is supported by the Australian Government, and the Australian BioCommons which is enabled by NCRIS via Bioplatforms Australia funding.

Cite us to support us!

Samaha, G. Willet, C. (2024). Parabricks-Genomics-nf [Computer software]


Scalable Nextflow implementation of germline alignment and short variant calling with Parabricks for NCI Gadi HPC.







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