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Danny edited this page Mar 1, 2022 · 22 revisions

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The Turbo engine is a command-based framework for building API (and web) based applications using either built-in plugins or community/custom ones.

Documentation To access the documentation, please use the sidebar for a list of features.

Not sure how to get started? We have created a boilerplate project you can use to get your started that is pre-setup with Turbo, Prisma ORM, and MongoDB setup as a single node replica, alongside a frontend setup for Vue 3 and Vite.

Turbo Starter

The Turbo Starter project is currently being updated ready for the v1 release with examples of all functionality.


With Yarn (preferred):

yarn add @symbux/turbo

With NPM:

npm install --save @symbux/turbo

Features & Plugins

Turbo comes with tons of great features and core plugins out of the box including Http and WebSocket plugins for running servers for both and an existing Discord plugin for creating bots using the new slash commands and utilising SSO (single sign on) for Discord. Additionally a new Vite plugin is being worked on allowing you to server-side render your Vue, React, other application.


Below are all the options.

Name Description Default
autowire Whether to enable autowire for auto-scanning and discovering modules. false
folders Custom array of folders to scan, used with scanFoldersOnly. undefined
scanFoldersOnly Whether to use the folders array for autowire to scan, rather than the project directory. false
translations The path to the translations folders. undefined
database Whether to enable the Prisma ORM for database connectivity. false
logger A custom logger that implements the ILogger interface. undefined
logLevels An array of the default log levels to log. ['info', 'warn', 'error']
basepath.* If your project uses different folders from /src for source code, and /dist for production code, use this to define the correct paths. undefined
basepath.source Folder path to source code, use if not standard /src only. undefined
basepath.compiled Folder path to compiled code, use if not standard /dist only. undefined
errors.* Custom handling of errors (exceptions). undefined
errors.handler A function that accepts an error parameter, can be sync or async. undefined
errors.continue A boolean of whether to continue running after an uncaughtException is called. false



Future Plans


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