MoreWeapons is a plugin that adds many new weapons & items to the Game.
- Original TranquilizerGun plugin by NeonWizard
You can get the CustomItems with the command giveitem playerid itemid
or with other Plugins like CustomLoadout or ItemSpawner
ID: 50
Name: Tranquilizer
BasedItemType: GunUSP
Description: A Weapon which can stun other beings
ID: 51
Name: GrenadeLauncher
BasedItemType: GunLogicer
Description: A weapon which shoots grenades
ID: 53
Name: Sniper
BasedItemType: GunE11SR
Description: A Sniper
ID: 54
Name: Scp-127
BasedItemType: GunProject90
Description: A weapon which regenerate ammo over time but can't be reloaded manually
ID: 55
Name: XLMedkit
BasedItemType: Medkit
Description: A medkit that you can use twice
ID: 56
Name: Scp1499
BasedItemType: Scp268
Description: A mask which brings you to a other dimension
ID: 58
Name: MedkitGun
Description: A Gun that heals players instead of hurting them
ID: 59
Name: VaccinePistole
Description: A pistole that can heal SCP-049-2 with the use of SCP500
- Install Synapse
- Place the MoreWeapons.dll file that you can download here in your plugin directory
- Restart/Start your server.
If you are using the old Tranquilizer Plugin you have to remove it and delete the tranquilizer config section or bugs may occure