The Syncfusion .NET MAUI Sunburst Chart is used to represent hierarchical data structures. Each level represents a different category or subcategory, allowing users to understand the relationships and dependencies within the data and making it user-friendly.
We can enhance the chart's size, inner radius, and color using the PaletteBrushes, Radius, and InnerRadius properties.
The CenterView property of SfSunburstChart allows for the insertion of any view into the chart. This center view serves as a means to convey additional details about the sunburst chart.
This article demonstrates how to create the .NET MAUI Sunburst Chart to display the most popular Wikipedia articles in the year 2023.
If you are facing a path too long exception when building this example project, close Visual Studio and rename the repository to a shorter name and build the project.
For a step-by-step procedure, refer to the Most Popular Wikipedia Article 2023 blog.