This sample shows how to create a WPF FastLine Chart with forecast capabilities and plot bands to analyze global population trends by age group.
Plot bands are a useful feature that allows us to highlight specific regions within the chart, aiding in the analysis of population data across different age groups. In this example, we'll be looking at the global population from 1950 to 2100. The population will be categorized into various age groups, and we'll use plot bands to shade key time periods (future trends), making the data easier to interpret.
The key features of the FastLine chart customization include chart features such as chart header, axis customization, series palette customization, and interaction features.
In the Syncfusion WPF Chart, Header property is used to define the chart's title. You can further adjust the alignment of the header using the HorizontalHeaderAlignment property.
In chart axis, you can customize axis intervals, gridlines, and labels.
Syncfusion charts allow you to add striplines (plotbands) to shade specific regions of the plot area for better data visualization. In the example below, the stripline starts from 2024 and extends with a width of 100 units. The background color of the stripline has been customized to represent the future population trends.
The Syncfusion WPF FastLine Chart allows you to customize the series' fill colors. Additionally, the Forecast FastLine series can be customized with a dotted line using the StrokeDashArray property.
The ChartTrackBallBehavior allows tracking of data points closest to the cursor position. The visibility of the trackball label can be controlled using the ShowTrackballInfo property. Additionally, you can customize the appearance of the trackball label using the TrackBallLabelTemplate property.
After executing these code examples, we will get the output that resembles the following image.
Path too long exception
If you are facing a path too long exception when building this example project, close Visual Studio and rename the repository to short and build the project.
For a step-by-step procedure, refer to the WPF Forecast FastLine Chart with PLotBands blog post.