This sample demonstrates how to create Multi-Category Bar Charts to Compare Generative AI Use for Creating Media vs Obtaining Information.
Multi-Category Bar Charts are versatile tools for comparing categorical data. They clearly show differences between categories, making them ideal for comparing media creation and information retrieval. Here are a few common use cases:
- Survey Results
- Usage Trends
- Performance Metrics
- Market Analysis
The other key features of Bar chart customization include chart features such as chart title, series customization, data labels customization, and axis labels customization.
With the Syncfusion .NET MAUI Chart, adding a title is simple and intuitive. For our Bar Chart, we've chosen "For creating media" and "For getting information". The title of the chart provides quick information about the data being plotted in the chart.
To customize the appearance of a series in the SfCartesianChart, you can adjust properties such as Fill, Stroke, and Width. For instance, if you are using the BarSeries, you can apply different colors to each series.
Customize the data labels to better suit your needs. To customization data labels, you can use properties such as LabelStyle, LabelPlacement, UseSeriesPalette.
To customize the x and y axes, you can use properties such as LabelStyle, AxisLineStyle, and MajorTickStyle.
After executing these code examples, we will get the output that resembles the following image.

Path too long exception
If you are facing a path too long exception when building this example project, close Visual Studio and rename the repository to short and build the project.
For a step-by-step procedure, refer to the Multi-Category Bar Charts blog post.