TreeViewAdv has built-in support to search the TreeNodeAdv based on its text, by using the class named TreeViewAdvFindReplaceDialog. It can be done using the following categories:
- TreeViewSearchOption
- TreeViewSearchRange
- TreeViewSearchNavigation
This property specifies the Searching option in TreeViewAdv.
- MatchWholeText
- MatchCase
This option helps match the whole searched text with the TreeNodeAdv text, while performing a search in TreeViewAdv.
The screenshot below illustrates the TreeViewAdv performing search option with MatchWholeText
This option specifies whether casing needs to be considered during the search process.
The screenshot below illustrates the TreeViewAdv performing search option with MatchCase
This property helps to specify the search range in TreeViewAdv during the search process. These options are categorized as follows.
- TreeView
- RootNode
- ChildNode
This option helps specify whether the search needs to be performed with all levels of TreeNodeCollection in TreeViewAdv.
The screenshot below illustrates the TreeViewAdv performing search range with TreeView
This option helps to specify whether the search needs to be performed only with the parent level of the TreeNodeAdv.
The screenshot below illustrates the TreeViewAdv performing search range with RootNode
This option helps to specify, whether the search needs to be performed only with the child level of TreeNodeAdv.
The screenshot below illustrates the TreeViewAdv performing search range with ChildNode
This property helps to specify the navigation option for TreeViewAdv, upon using find and replace in the TreeNodeAdv process in TreeViewAdv. These options are categorized as follows:
- SearchUp
- SearchDown
- SearchAll
This option helps to specify whether the search needs to be performed from the bottom to the top of TreeViewAdv.
This option helps to specify whether the search needs to be performed from the top to the bottom of TreeViewAdv.
This option helps to specify whether the search can be performed in the above cases repeatedly. The following code example demonstrates the same.
C# Code snippet:
//Initialize the TreeViewSearchForm
TreeViewSearchForm form;
//To assign the TreeViewAdv to TreeViewSearchForm
form = new TreeViewSearchForm(this.treeViewAdv1);
//To show the search dialog
void treeViewAdv1_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, PreviewKeyDownEventArgs e)
if (e.Modifiers == Keys.Control && e.KeyValue == (Char)Keys.F)
form = new TreeViewSearchForm(this.treeViewAdv1);
public partial class TreeViewSearchForm : MetroForm
//Initialize the TreeViewAdvFindReplaceDialog
TreeViewAdvFindReplaceDialog dialog = null;
//Initialize the TreeViewAdv
private TreeViewAdv TreeView;
//To pass the TreeviewAdv argument to the form.
public TreeViewSearchForm(TreeViewAdv tree)
TreeView = tree;
//To assign the TreeViewAdv to TreeViewSearchForm
dialog = new TreeViewAdvFindReplaceDialog(this.TreeView);
//To get the TreeViewSearchNavigation
void comboBox3_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
dialog.TreeViewSearchNavigation = (TreeViewSearchNavigation)this.SearchRangeCombo.Items[this.comboBox3.Items.IndexOf(this.comboBox3.SelectedItem)];
//To get the TreeViewSearchRange
private void SearchRangeCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
dialog.TreeViewSearchRange = (TreeViewSearchRange)this.SearchRangeCombo.Items[this.SearchRangeCombo.Items.IndexOf(this.SearchRangeCombo.SelectedItem)];
//To get the TreeViewSearchOption
private void SearchOptionCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
dialog.TreeViewSearchOption = (TreeViewSearchOption)this.SearchOptionCombo.Items[this.SearchOptionCombo.Items.IndexOf(this.SearchOptionCombo.SelectedItem)];
//To Find TreeNodeAdv
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//To Find All the TreeNodeAdv
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//To Replace the TreeNodeAdv
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//To Replace All the TreeNodeAdv
private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (dialog.FindAll(this.findTextBox.Text))
VB Code snippet:
'Initialize the TreeViewSearchForm
Private form As TreeViewSearchForm
'To assign the TreeViewAdv to TreeViewSearchForm
form = New TreeViewSearchForm(Me.treeViewAdv1)
'To show the search dialog
Private Sub treeViewAdv1_PreviewKeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As PreviewKeyDownEventArgs)
If e.Modifiers = Keys.Control AndAlso e.KeyValue = Keys.F Then
form = New TreeViewSearchForm(Me.treeViewAdv1)
End If
End Sub
Partial Public Class TreeViewSearchForm
Inherits MetroForm
'Initialize the TreeViewAdvFindReplaceDialog
Private dialog As TreeViewAdvFindReplaceDialog = Nothing
'Initialize the TreeViewAdv
Private TreeView As TreeViewAdv
'To pass the TreeviewAdv argument to the form.
Public Sub New(ByVal tree As TreeViewAdv)
TreeView = tree
'To assign the TreeViewAdv to TreeViewSearchForm
dialog = New TreeViewAdvFindReplaceDialog(Me.TreeView)
End Sub
'To get the TreeViewSearchNavigation
Private Sub comboBox3_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
dialog.TreeViewSearchNavigation = CType(Me.SearchRangeCombo.Items(Me.comboBox3.Items.IndexOf(Me.comboBox3.SelectedItem)), TreeViewSearchNavigation)
End Sub
'To get the TreeViewSearchRange
Private Sub SearchRangeCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles SearchRangeCombo.SelectedIndexChanged
dialog.TreeViewSearchRange = CType(Me.SearchRangeCombo.Items(Me.SearchRangeCombo.Items.IndexOf(Me.SearchRangeCombo.SelectedItem)), TreeViewSearchRange)
End Sub
'To get the TreeViewSearchOption
Private Sub SearchOptionCombo_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles SearchOptionCombo.SelectedIndexChanged
dialog.TreeViewSearchOption = CType(Me.SearchOptionCombo.Items(Me.SearchOptionCombo.Items.IndexOf(Me.SearchOptionCombo.SelectedItem)), TreeViewSearchOption)
End Sub
'To Find TreeNodeAdv
Private Sub button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles button1.Click
End Sub
'To Find All the TreeNodeAdv
Private Sub button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles button2.Click
End Sub
'To Replace the TreeNodeAdv
Private Sub button3_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles button3.Click
If dialog.Find(Me.findTextBox.Text) Then
End If
End Sub
'To Replace All the TreeNodeAdv
Private Sub button4_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles button4.Click
If dialog.FindAll(Me.findTextBox.Text) Then
End If
End Sub
End Class