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Releases: Synerise/react-native-synerise-sdk


10 Mar 11:35
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[1.0.0] - 2025-03-10


  • This major version is NOT backwards compatible.
  • Update of native SDK's dependencies to 6.0.0 (Android) and 5.0.0 (iOS).
  • [iOS] Support for older iOS versions ends. Minimum deployment target is changed to iOS 13.
  • [iOS] Bitcode is not supported in SDK version 5.0.0 and higher. Xcode ignores bitcode.


  • appVersion parameter for client.applicationStarted event. It is the same as version. version is deprecated.
  • sdkPreviousVersion parameter for client.applicationStarted event. It is the version of the SDK before the current version in the application.


  • Synerise.Client.authenticateByOAuth(accessToken:context:onSuccess:onError:) method. You should use theSynerise.Client.authenticate(token:provider:context:onSuccess:onError:) method.
  • Synerise.Client.authenticateByOAuthIfRegistered(accessToken:context:onSuccess:onError:) method. You should use the Synerise.Client.authenticate(token:provider:context:onSuccess:onError:) method.
  • Synerise.Client.authenticateByFacebook(facebookToken:context:onSuccess:onError:) method. You should use the Synerise.Client.authenticate(token:provider:context:onSuccess:onError:) method.
  • Synerise.Client.authenticateByFacebookIfRegistered(facebookToken:context:onSuccess:onError:) method. You should use the Synerise.Client.authenticate(token:provider:context:onSuccess:onError:) method.
  • Synerise.Client.authenticateByAppleSignIn(identityToken:context:onSuccess:onError:) method. You should use the Synerise.Client.authenticate(token:provider:context:onSuccess:onError:) method.
  • Synerise.Client.authenticateByAppleSignInIfRegistered(identityToken:context:onSuccess:onError:) method. You should use the Synerise.Client.authenticate(token:provider:context:onSuccess:onError:) method.
  • Synerise.Client.deleteAccountByOAuth(accessToken:onSuccess:onError:) method. You should use the Synerise.Client.deleteAccountByIdentityProvider(clientAuthFactor:clientIdentityProvider:authID:onSuccess:onError:) method.
  • Synerise.Client.deleteAccountByFacebook(facebookToken:onSuccess:onError:) method. You should use the Synerise.Client.deleteAccountByIdentityProvider(clientAuthFactor:clientIdentityProvider:authID:onSuccess:onError:) method.
  • Synerise.Client.deleteAccountByAppleSignIn(identityToken:onSuccess:onError:) method. You should use the Synerise.Client.deleteAccountByIdentityProvider(clientAuthFactor:clientIdentityProvider:authID:onSuccess:onError:) method.
  • IInjectorWalkthroughListener for handling actions from Walkthrough campaigns.
  • IInjectorBannerListener for handling actions from Banner campaigns.
  • Synerise.Content.getDocument(slug:onSuccess:onError:) method. You should use Synerise.Content.generateDocument(slug:onSuccess:onError:) method.
  • Synerise.Content.getDocuments(apiQuery:onSuccess:onError:) method.
  • Synerise.Content.getRecommendations(options:onSuccess:onError:) method.
  • Synerise.Content.getScreenView(onSuccess:onError:) method and correlated models (ScreenViewResponse, ScreenViewAudience). You should use the Synerise.Content.generateScreenView(feedSlug:onSuccess:onError:) or the Synerise.Content.generateScreenViewWithApiQuery(apiQuery:onSuccess:onError:) method.
  • Synerise.Notifications.isSyneriseBanner(payload:)
  • Synerise.Injector.getWalkthrough() method.
  • Synerise.Injector.showWalkthrough() method.
  • Synerise.Injector.isWalkthroughLoaded() method.
  • Synerise.Injector.isLoadedWalkthroughUnique() method.
  • Synerise.Injector.getPushes(success:failure:) method.
  • [iOS] deviceID parameter from client.applicationStarted event. It was redundant with the deviceId parameter.


  • Synerise initialization builder method withClientApiKey(clientApiKey:) to withApiKey(apiKey:).
  • Synerise.changeClientApiKey(clientApiKey:config:) to Synerise.changeApiKey(apiKey:config:).
  • Synerise.Client.activateAccount(email:onSuccess:onError:) to Synerise.Client.requestAccountActivation(email:onSuccess:onError:).
  • Synerise.Client.confirmAccount(token:onSuccess:onError:) to Synerise.Client.confirmAccountActivation(token:onSuccess:onError:).
  • TokenOrigin.oauth enum value changed to TokenOrigin.OAuth.
  • Improvements to stability.


12 Nov 12:51
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[0.24.3] - 2024-11-12


  • [iOS] Potential issues with checking if the app is launched in the background. The SDK set the background mode to true on UIScene and SwiftUI based apps. It could cause the app to freeze.


15 Oct 14:09
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[0.24.2] - 2024-10-15


  • [iOS] Optimization of the registration for push notifications process. The cache for that request was erroneously removed in version 4.23.0 of the native SDK.


14 Oct 10:29
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[0.24.1] - 2024-10-14


  • [Android] workManager npe - for android api lower than 24


  • Update of native SDK's dependencies.


09 Oct 07:24
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[0.24.0] - 2024-10-09


  • [iOS] Some potential issues with possible database corruption.
  • [Android] Notification callback issue when app was in foreground.


  • Synerise.Settings.inAppMessaging.contentBaseUrl option in settings to let you set the base URL to use for all relative URLs in an in-app message's creation.
  • Synerise.Client.updateAccountBasicInformation(context, onSuccess, onError) method. The new method updates anonymous users.
  • ClientAccountUpdateBasicInformationContext model correlated with the new Synerise.Client.updateAccountBasicInformation(context, onSuccess, onError) method.


  • [Android] Fresco library is now updated to 3.2.0.
  • Optimization of the In-app messaging module (variants are no longer assigned once more when the profile's UUID changes).
  • Improvements to stability.


17 Sep 13:56
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[0.23.1] - 2024-09-16


  • [Android] Null pointer exception while launching callback from push notification in some cases.


05 Aug 13:14
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[0.23.0] - 2024-08-05


  • [iOS] Potential issue with slow SDK initialization.
  • [iOS] Potential issues with Simple Authentication requests.


  • We added new parameters to the event: clickSource, actionType, url and actionButtonTitle.


  • Update of native SDK's dependencies.


15 Jul 21:52
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[0.22.0] - 2024-07-16

The SDK version 0.21.0 has been omitted for technical reasons.


  • We added atestDelivery and journeyId parameters to tracked notification events (push.view,, and so on). It describes if the notification was sent as a test notification from a campaign.
  • We added a new Synerise.content.generateDocumentWithApiQuery(apiQuery, onSuccess, onError) method. It is analogous to Synerise.content.generateDocument(slug:onSuccess:onError:), but can contain more context parameters provided in a query object.
  • We added a new Content.generateScreenViewWithApiQuery(apiQuery, onSuccess, onError) method. It is analogous to Synerise.content.generateScreenView(feedSlug:onSuccess:onError:), but can contain more context parameters provided in a query object.
  • Anchors from Drag & Drop Builder in the In-App editor are interpreted as URL or as deeplink depending on the value.


  • We added validation of reserved parameters in events. Now, if a parameter is forbidden, it is removed from the parameters and a log is printed.
  • Stability improvements.
  • Update of native SDK's dependencies.


02 Jun 20:08
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[0.20.0] - 2024-06-02


  • [iOS] Some potential issues with retrieving system push consent by the SDK. The SDK set the constent to false when the general consent for the application was enabled, but at least one of the following options was disabled: alerts, sounds, badges.


  • Synerise.settings.tracker.eventsTriggeringFlush option in settings to let you set the list of event actions which will trigger instant sending of all events in the queue. The default array contains only push event's actions.


  • All events connected with push campaigns will flush the queue and send events immediately.
  • Improvements to push notifications registration.
  • Stability improvements.
  • Update of native SDK's dependencies.


09 Apr 10:49
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[0.19.0] - 2024-04-09


  • [Android] Deeplink action when clicking on push notification will directly open in app instead of prompt between app/browser. We set packageName to intent.
  • [Android] Updated proguard rules for joda.time, retrofit and gson.
  • [iOS] Some potential issues with notification processing in NotificationServiceExtension.
  • [iOS] Issue with non-scrolling in-app messages.


  • Global Control Group support for in-app messages. From now on, you can use this feature in in-app messaging communication. This lets you take your marketing efforts to the next level and provides a solid foundation for accurate measurement of campaign effectiveness. Read more at
  • [iOS] Synerise.settings.sdk.localizable option in settings to let you localize some strings displayed by the SDK.


  • Improved mechanism for checking capping in in-app messages. The number of views no longer resets when the account's UUID changes.
  • The delegate method snr_registerForPushNotificationsIsNeeded() is invoked when the SDK is initialized completely.
  • When the Client.registerForPush(registrationToken:mobilePushAgreement:success:failure:) method fails, it invokes the snr_registerForPushNotificationsIsNeeded() delegate method after a short delay.
  • clientId property in the Token model.
  • Update of native SDK's dependencies.