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Feed Reader

Author: Juraj Dedič, xdedic07

Date: 14. 11. 2022

Project for ISA at FIT VUT


This program reads the provided RSS 2.0 or Atom feed. The input can be provided as a URL or as a set of urls in a feedfile. It outputs the name of the source and the following information about an article:

  • Article name, url, name or email of the author


 Usage: feedreader <URL | -f <feedfile>> [-c <certfile>] [-C <certaddr>] [-T] [-a] [-u]
  • Time of the article (-T)
  • Author information (-a)
  • URL of the article (-u)
  • feedfile - file containing URLs of news feed channels
    • each feed channel is at a separate line
  • certfile - a server certificate location
  • certaddr - directory containing certificates


  • program can be compiled using make
  • the program is compiled by GNU C++ compiler
  • requires libxml2 and openssl (1.0.2^)


List program of files:

  • feedreader.{cpp|hpp} - main program function, parses arguments and calls other functions
  • downloader.{cpp|hpp} - downloads requested files using HTTP or HTTPS
  • parser.{cpp|hpp} - parses and outputs the information from the feed

Other files included:

  • makefile - used for compilation
  • test.js - test script
  • tests/ - contains the test cases and test XML files
  • - this markdown file
  • manual.pdf - documentation (in Slovak)


Input mode is determined based on the arguments. Either the url provided as an argument or they are extracted from the feedfile

The program parses the url(s).

And for each url it runs the download functions. The protocol of the resource is determined (HTTP or HTTPS). If HTTPS is used, the program will use the relevant TLS functions and validate the provided certificates (which can be provided by arguments).

The program then requests the resource using HTTP version 1.0. This version was chosen because the reponse in HTTP/1.1 is affected probably by chunked transfer encoding when using openssl.

The resource is downloaded using openssl functions (also when not using TLS). Then the resource is loaded from the openssl BIO into std::string and the body (the XML) is separated from the response. The XML is then written into ./temp/temp.xml. (Note: the program does not take into account cases where response 301 is received meaning the resource was moved. In such case the file won't be parsed)

The file is then opened by the parser and the type of the feed (either RSS 2.0 or Atom) is determined. The parser iterates through the nodes and finds the relevant nodes and their atributes when necessary. In cases where the node names or the attributes are different in Atom or RSS 2.0, the node names will be converted to the Atom format for comparison inside the code.

The desired output information is printed in the order it is specified in the source XML. (Except for title which is always first)


Minimal openssl version tested: OpenSSL 1.0.2k-fips Testing & debugging has been done in following environments:

  • Debian 11 in WSL
  • freeBSD 13.1 -
  • CentOS 7 -

Feed sources used for testing:




Test script

make test can be used for running the test script

The test script is inside the test.js and requires a recent version of Node.js (v12 and above)

The test script works in the following way:

  • it serves the files in ./tests/ over HTTP at localhost
  • the ./test/ directory must contain <test-name>.json files (<test-name> should be replaced by the actual name)
  • the script then lists all test JSON files in the directory
  • and for each test file:
    • it runs the test
    • and compares the expected and real outputs

Test cases:

  • each test case is identified by a test file, named: <test-name>.json
    • <test-name> should be replaced by the actual name
  • the test file is in JSON as in example:
  "args": "-f tests/test1.feed -T -a -u",
  "feedFile": [
  "feedUrl": [
  "returnCode": 0
  • the args param specifies the arguments which will be appended to the binary name when executing the test
  • when including a feedfile for the test case, the feedfile is going to be named <test-name>.feed
    • the feedfile will be generated automatically from data in the JSON test file.
    • but the feed file must be specified in the arguments with proper path (eg. tests/test4.feed)
  • it then contains either feedFile or feedUrl param (feedFile will be preferred if both used)
  • feedFile is an array of XML files (containing the RSS 2.0 or Atom feed) in the ./tests/ directory
  • feedUrl is a single XML file in the ./tests/ directory
  • another parameter is returnCode, which is an integer representing the expected exit code of the feedreader
  • An output file must be also present for each test case unless the expected return code is other than 0
    • output file contains the expected stdout of the test case
    • must be named <test-name>.out (so output file for test1.json is test1.out)
    • if the expected return code is not 0, the output file is ignored


feedreader project for ISA @ VUT FIT






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