talilwind.config.js => pre-defined properties index.css => pre-defined fonts and rotations Reuseable components (18:00) gradient-button src-constant-index.js => content is present here useLocation (tells where are we) => react-router-dom src-components-desing-Header.jsx => small balls, circles and border_lines {Rings, Background circles, lines} Hero.jsx => npm install parallax {move balls with cursor} (spacing) Benefits.jsx => {item.light && } => bg-gradient => index.js (light=true) => src-design-benefits.jsx
font-code text-n-1, text-n-1/50, transition-colors, hover:text-color-1, text-n-2, body-1,
Dashboard Components:
**DashboardLayout.jsx:**This component defines the overall layout of the dashboard, including the sidebar, header, and main content area.
DashboardHeader.jsx: Renders the header of the dashboard, which may include the logo, user profile, and settings.
DashboardSidebar.jsx: Renders the sidebar navigation menu with links to different sections of the dashboard. DashboardMain.jsx: Contains the main content of the dashboard, which may include various widgets, charts, and data visualizations.
ApiUtils.js: Utility functions for making API calls. DateUtils.js: Utility functions for formatting dates and times.
BarChart.jsx: A component for rendering a bar chart. LineChart.jsx: A component for rendering a line chart. PieChart.jsx: A component for rendering a pie chart.
DataTables || Settings
=> 1 Dashboard, 3 Pages, 4 Apps and 7 Charts. |==> 3 Pages: {Orders, Employee and Customer Tables`}
=> Note its layout, components, functionality, and design elements. => Implement Components: Begin by implementing the basic components of the dashboard, such as the sidebar, header, and main content area. Use React components for modularity and reusability. => Add Functionality: Implement the interactive elements of the dashboard, such as data visualization components, filters, and search functionality. => Next.js, offering additional features like server-side rendering, routing, and API routes. => You'll need to handle routing, data fetching, and other aspects that Next.js simplifies.
focusing on server-side rendering (SSR) and routing
- Data Fetching: 3 types... => getStaticProps, getServerSideProps, getInitialProps
export async function getServerSideProps() { const res = await fetch('https://api.example.com/stock-prices'); const stockPrices = await res.json(); return { props: { stockPrices } }; }
export async function getStaticProps() { const res = await fetch('https://api.example.com/posts'); const posts = await res.json(); return { props: { posts } }; }
export default function handler(req, res){ res.status(200).json({message:"Hello"}) }
// pages/api/example.js export default function handler(req, res) { res.status(200).json({ message: 'Hello from the API route!' }); }
// pages/about.js import React from 'react';
function About() { return
; }export default About;
// pages/about.js import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
function About() { const [message, setMessage] = useState('');
useEffect(() => { async function fetchData() { const response = await fetch('/api/example'); const data = await response.json(); setMessage(data.message); } fetchData(); }, []);
return (
); }export default About;
Hooks in React: useState and useEffect
Setting up a dashboard setup:
landing-page/ ├── src/ │ ├── components/ │ │ └── LandingPage.jsx │ └── App.js └── package.json
dashboard/ ├── pages/ │ ├── index.js │ ├── dashboard.js │ └── ... ├── components/ │ ├── Sidebar.js │ ├── Header.js │ └── MainContent.js ├── package.json └── ...
npx create-next-app dashboard
Create Dashboard Components: Inside the dashboard directory, create the necessary components for your dashboard (Sidebar.js, Header.js, MainContent.js).
Configure Routes: In the pages directory of your Next.js project, create a dashboard.js file to represent the dashboard page. Define the routes for the dashboard components in this file.
// dashboard/pages/dashboard.js
import React from 'react'; import Sidebar from '../components/Sidebar'; import Header from '../components/Header'; import MainContent from '../components/MainContent';
const Dashboard = () => { return (
export default Dashboard;
Linking to the Dashboard:
In your landing page (LandingPage.jsx), add a link or button to navigate to the dashboard:
// landing-page/src/components/LandingPage.jsx import React from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
const LandingPage = () => { return (
); };export default LandingPage;
Setting Up Routing:
If you're using React Router for routing in your landing page, ensure the BrowserRouter is wrapping your App component in App.js:
// landing-page/src/App.js
import React from 'react'; import { BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'; import LandingPage from './components/LandingPage'; import Dashboard from '../dashboard/pages/dashboard';
const App = () => { return ( ); };
export default App;