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Drxtract scripts

Abraham edited this page Mar 5, 2023 · 5 revisions

Drxtract is compossed of the following scripts


Main script that just run the others scripts to extract the data from the Macromedia Director file.


This script extracts the contents of a RIFF file.


riffxtract [pc|mac] <file.drx> <directory>
  • pc/mac: The type of Director file (for Mac or for PC).
  • file.drx: The path to the Director file to extract (or any RIFF file).
  • directory: The name of the directory where the contents will be extracted to.

The files will actually be extracted inside /bin.


./riffxtract mac TOUR.DIR TOUR


This script extracts the labels of the Director score from the VWLB file.


vwlbxtract <directory>
  • directory: The directory where the contents have been extracted by Riffxtract.


./vwlbxtract TOUR

This script will look for a file with VWLB extension inside /bin and it will create the /markers.json file with the scoreboards markers.


This script extracts the font map information from the Fmap file.


fmapxtract <directory>
  • directory: The directory where the contents have been extracted by Riffxtract.


./fmapxtract TOUR

This script will look for a file with Fmap extension inside /bin and it will create the /fonts.json file with the fonts map information.


This script extracts the casting information from various files.


casxtract [pc|mac] <directory>
  • pc/mac: The type of Director file (for Mac or for PC).
  • directory: The directory where the contents have been extracted by Riffxtract.


./casxtract mac TOUR

This script will extract the basic casting elements information from the following files:

  • KEY_ file: it contains the relationship between the casting elements and the binary files that contains the casting elements data.
  • CAS_ file: it contains the order of the casting elements.
  • VWCF file: it contains the movie information. It is the source for the config.json file generation.
  • CASt file: these files contains the general information of the casting elements. They are the source of the data.json files that will be generated.


This script extracts the image from a BITD file.


bitd2bmp <directory> <xxx.BITD>
  • directory: The directory where the casting binary files and the data.json files were generated by the Casxtract script.
  • xxx.BITD: The BITD file name.


./bitd2bmp TOUR/cas/1 20.BITD

This script will generate the BMP file with the image of a casting member.


This script extracts the sound from a SND file.


snd2wav <directory> <xxx.snd_>
  • directory: The directory where the casting binary files and the data.json files were generated by the Casxtract script.
  • xxx.snd_: The SND file name.


./snd2wav TOUR/cas/254 882.snd_

This script will generate the WAV file with the sound of a casting member.


This script extracts the text data from a STXT file.


stxt2json [pc|mac] <directory> <xxx.STXT>
  • pc/mac: The type of Director file (for Mac or for PC).
  • directory: The directory where the casting binary files and the data.json files were generated by the Casxtract script.
  • xxx.STXT: The STXT file name.


./stxt2json mac 0STARTC/cas/2 21.STXT

This script adds the text information inside a STXT file into the data.json file.


This script extracts the image data inside an RTE2 image into a BMP file.


rte22bmp <directory> <xxx.RTE2>
  • directory: The directory where the casting binary files and the data.json files were generated by the Casxtract script.
  • xxx.RTE2: The RTE2 file name.


./rte22bmp 0STARTC/cas/3 24.RTE2

The image will be extracted into a BMP file.


This script extracts the colour palette information from a CLUT file.


clut2json <directory> <xxx.CLUT>
  • directory: The directory where the casting binary files and the data.json files were generated by the Casxtract script.
  • xxx.CLUT: The CLUT file name.


./clut2json 0STARTC/cas/4 26.CLUT

The colour palette information will be added into the data.json file.


This script extracts the Lingo script inside a LSCR file.


lscr2lingo [pc|mac] <directory> <xxx.Lscr> <path/to/file.Lnam>
  • pc/mac: The type of Director file (for Mac or for PC).
  • directory: The directory where the casting binary files and the data.json files were generated by the Casxtract script.
  • xxx.Lscr: The Lscr file name.
  • path/to/file.Lnam: Path to the Lnam file.


./lscr2lingo mac TOUR/cas/388 919.Lscr TOUR/bin/572.Lnam

This script creates a *.lingo file with the decompiled lingo script.


This script extracts the Director scoreboard information.


vwscxtract <directory> 
  • directory: The directory where the contents have been extracted by Riffxtract.


./vwscxtract TOUR

This script creates the score.json with the score information.