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Folders and files

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48 Commits

Repository files navigation


This is a project created during a monthly internship at the Academy of the Polish Navy in Gdynia (abbreviated as AMW). The Department of Computer Science needed a system for inventory management, so we provided them with this application, which was evaluated by our internship supervisor as excellent (grade 6, the highest possible grade), and he positively assessed our cooperation and commitment.

Main window


  • Intuitive interface for adding records to the table
  • Possibility of adding and deleting laboratory, type, location, and user through a specially prepared dropdown
  • Search function for the above data in the dropdown
  • Ability to select the above data from the dropdown as data for a new record or edit
  • Dynamic record editing without the need to click buttons or reset the page
  • Ability to sort the inventory list by columns
  • Ability to sort by all record data
  • Ability to print the table to PDF
  • Pagination in case of too many data per page


Tools and Technologies


  • React
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Node.js
  • SQL
  • MySQL


  • VS Code
  • Discord
  • phpMyAdmin
  • Git / GitHub

Feedback from the Internship Supervisor

"Praktykant wykonał powierzony mu projekt z starannością i zaangażowaniem. Wykazywał zainteresowanie projektem, zadawał pytania i udzielał się na grupie. Praktykant poszerzył swoją w wiedzę z dziedziny programowania w języku JavaScript z frameworkiem React. Wykonany przez praktykanta program posiadał zaimplementowane wszystkie funkcjonalności założone w projekcie. Projekt jest w pełni funkcjonalny i gotowy do implementacji w środowisku serwerowym oraz posiada przyjazny dla użytkownika interfejs."

Personal Reflection

Thanks to this project, I have expanded my knowledge of the React framework, understood what a CRUD API is, and became familiar with the Git workflow, allowing me to work more effectively. I also learned how to create modern websites and became familiar with working with a client (supervisor) who requires a specific product, which I deliver.