The purpose of this repository is to provide the latest batman-adv release version, plus upcoming features. Plus build compatiblity for OpenWrt 19.07, 22.03 and 23.05, for Gluon v2021.1.x, v2023.1.x and v2023.2.x.
You can use this in the following Gluon versions:
- Gluon master
- Gluon v2023.2.1 or a later v2023.2.x
- Gluon v2023.1.2 or a later v2023.1.x
- Gluon v2021.1.2 or a later v2021.1.x
For these you can simply add the following to your site/modules file:
GLUON_SITE_FEEDS+=" batman_adv_next"
Replace <latest-commit>
to the latest commit you can find
on that branch in this repository.
There is no need for you to update your Adding this repository to your site/modules file is sufficient. batman-adv is then updated automatically and gluon-mesh-batman-adv-brmldproxy is pulled in automatically on Gluon master / OpenWrt 23.05.
Also see this for the Gluon site modules concept:
For Gluon v2021.1.x additionally make sure you have backported at least the following two commits:
- "modules: move Gluon packages to front of module list" ->
- "scripts/ move site feeds to the front of the module list" ->
(Or check if they were maybe added to Gluon's v2021.1.x branch in the meantime.)
This adds the following features to Gluon:
- Updates batman-adv to v2024.2
- This adds the new batman-adv multicast packet type:
- This allows to transmit multicast to more destinations than the so far hard coded limit of 16 in Gluon.
- Allows to distribute multicast packets more efficiently.
- See the batman-adv wiki for details:
- This adds the new batman-adv multicast packet type:
- Adds a (gluon-mesh-batman-adv-)brmldproxy package on
Gluon v2023.2 (or later) / OpenWrt 23.05 / Linux 5.15 which allows
- inform IPv6 multicast routers of listeners. Allows
to route IPv6 multicast between domains with a
daemon like pim6sd:
- Configuration examples:
- Adds a patch to batman-adv to only send these proxied MLD Reports for routable IPv6 multicast addresses to IP multicast routers. Instead of flooding these reports (default behaviour in batman-adv, with these broadcasts being blocked by Gluon by default).
- inform IPv6 multicast routers of listeners. Allows
to route IPv6 multicast between domains with a
daemon like pim6sd:
- Adds "batman-adv: increase DAT DHT timeout" patches:
- Should reduce ARP broadcast overhead especially from gateways
Multicast Notes:
You will need all nodes in your domain to update to
this batman-adv version for these features to take effect.
Hence the batman-adv version provided here was patched to also
work on Gluon v2021.1.x. You can check the output of
batctl mcast_flags
for instance to verify that all nodes
are running with these new features enabled.
IPv6 multicast listeners for routable addresses with multicast router support are only supported on nodes running Gluon v2023.2 (or later) / OpenWrt 23.05. So if you want to receive a multicast stream from another broadcast domain via an IPv6 multicast router then your listener needs to be connected to a Gluon v2023.2 (or later) / OpenWrt 23.05 based node (with the updated packages from here). (However if the multicast sender is in the same broadcast domain, with no need for a multicast router, you can then also receive it with a multicast listener on Gluon v2021.1.x or v2023.1.x)