(Intelligent Artisan Electric Vehicle), consists of a compact double-seater, renewable, 100% Open-Source and electric vehicle developed by Ferrara Davide Giacomo and his TCVE Motors team to contribute to the electric transition, market revolution and pollution reduction.
The user manual and guide for vehicle interaction called "VEAImanuale" or "VEAImanuale.pptx" included in this folder is subject to copyright and is not released as part of the open source due to security issues such as the diffusion of fake copies of the document, which could lead the end user to incorrect and dangerous use of the vehicle.
Hardware: (General vehicle structure, electrical diagram and electronic configuration) CERN-OHL-S V2
Software: (Files like "veai.ino" and "veaiGUI") GNU GPL-3.0
This project uses the following components:
MOTOR HERE (MOTOR SPECS HERE) MOTOR ECU HERE (ECU DESCRIPTION HERE) Arduino Uno R4 Raspberry Pi 5 The specific code for Arduino and the computer are based on the project by Ferrara Davide Giacomo.
For further details on licenses and attributions, please see the relevant source files.
The component connections are configured as showed in the schematics. A description will soon be available.
We are always open to feedback and talking to the community.
You can contact us via email at: helptcvemotors@gmail.com or through our website at https://tcvemotors.com/contact
All rights reserved © 2024 TCVE Motors.