A social media platform connecting active people based on their interest in sports and the outdoors
Rally is a web application built with a MERN (Mongodb, Express, React, Redux, and NodeJS) JavaScript stack. Our aim in making this app is to make it easier for people to plan and join in outdoor activities together. Whether its creating events for future activities like a meetup to play sports, a hiking trip, or a group meetup with friends for a round of ultimate frisbee. The app utilizes Google Maps API to allow for exact pinpointing of event locations, and allows for others to join events after signing in.
Rally also lets users create groups on the group page and allows for those with profiles to sign-up for groups. Those who create a group can also create events to post to their group page, allowing for those joined to see updates to their group pages. Rally has also impletemented features for filtering groups via a drop down menu that filters through group topics so you can find groups that are most relevant to what you want to do.
Rally utilizes a mobile-first design aesthetic, that takes into account that the active users are always on the go and will be utilizing our app on their smartphone. Rally makes it easy to manage groups, and see events through a mobile experience.
Our app uses NodeJS packages, all dependencies are listed in our package.json so you'll need to install them if you want to run our Mongo database and our express servers. You must have an up-to-date NodeJS to install our dependencies, which you can find at their site https://nodejs.org/en/download/.
npm i
npm start
View the accompanying back-end server repo here
Or visit the live site here
React, Redux, MongoDb, Express, NodeJS, Webpack, Mongoose
The process for creating this app was done using the development technique of Test-Driven-Development. For both Front-end and Back-end sides our app used Test-Driven-Development when testing our routes and models, as well as our reducers and actions for our front-end. This is done to ensure our connections to our database and Redux are functioning before continuing on with futher development, this practice is done to avoid app breaking bugs later on.
To run the tests, in your terminal run:
npm run test
This is app is live running on heroku servers https://rally-alchemy.herokuapp.com/
AUTHORS: Henrique Oliviera Github LinkedIn
Steele Walston Github LinkedIn
Stephanie Smith Github LinkedIn
Rally Github:
LICENSE: This project is licensed under the MIT LICENSE - please see our LICENSE.md file.
Acknowledgments: Special thanks to Alchemy Code Lab