Release 368
Bug Fixes
- [#12298] Admin logs page: Fix overflow of "Clear all" button (@DeliaBarron)
- [#12369] Instructor courses page: fix copy instructors from other courses modal checkbox (@judith-n)
- [#12342] Admin logs page: Extension of query start/end time is not reflected in search range (@gordonscottkolb)
- [#12352] Add session: time picker constraint not applied correctly (@ellaella12)
- [#12348] Instructor sessions page: fix copy questions modal checkbox (@quantavoid11)
- [#12324] Instructor sessions page: Fix create feedback session card header (@vaheaslanyan)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#12323] Student submitting fewer responses than allowed: don't consider the question as 'not fully answered' (@DaMasterM, @MMilou24)
- [#12321] Show loading message below response loading spinner (@nielsly)
- [#12351] Instructor: support previewing results as a student (@fans2619)
- [#12249] Instructor results page stats tables: differentiate students with same team and name (@ellaella12)
- [#12381] PR template causing PR checker to automatically pass (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12370] Enhance Pull Request Template (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12358] [#10623] Update development, troubleshooting, and process documentation (@wkurniawan07)