Release 372
Bug Fixes
[#12691 ] Instructor Home Page: Students dropdown buttons of the wrong colour (@SArora12 )
[#12676 ] Instructor's Student Records Page: Tooltips for comments (@yuanxi1 )
[#12675 ] Instructor Edit Session Page: Bug in Grace Period Tooltip (@nknguyenhc )
[#12667 ] Instructor's Student Records Page: Misleading name for canceling of comment edit (@abdqudus )
[#12611 ] Instructor courses page: other actions dropdown cut off (@Xiawanggg )
[#12601 ] Fix deadline extensions update issue (@cedricongjh )
[#12558 ] Instructor edit feedback session page: NumberFormatException when inputting decimal numbers into distribute points questions (@dlimyy )
[#12580 ] Instructors Edit Feedback Session: Instructor is able to edit submission opening time to an earlier timing (@dlimyy )
[#12574 ] Instructor edit session page: Fix custom visibility table overflow (@RohithSurya )
[#12570 ] Flickering questions when loading session results (@blejkowski )
[#12573 ] Popover appears in front of modal blocking buttons (@Mex7180 )
[#12561 ] Sessions page fix (@DamiGbs )
New Features and Enhancements
[#12053 ] Per Receiver Submission (@hhdqirui )
[#12670 ] Copying feedback session: mark session name as mandatory field when copying feedback session (@andreiyusupau )
[#12659 ] When adding a comment while submitting responses, show visibility of the comment as well (@hallovera )
[#12660 ] Student Home Page: Indicate default sort (@averheecke-scottlogic )
[#12662 ] Instructor Home Page: Dropdown buttons on mobile (@Tejasker )
[#12673 ] Instructor's Student Records Page: Feedback session panel chevron barely visible (@Tim-Siu )
[#12623 ] add mouse hover and add dotted line to the icon (@Jiaqi093 )
[#12620 ] Set character limit on question description (@u7718594 )
[#12617 ] Instructor: Feedback Session: Mark mandatory fields for creating and editing session (@Ting-TT )
[#12591 ] Instructor view session results (course-wide): Add separate button to download results by question (@MaharshiPedu )
[#12567 ] Instructor home page: Improve display of card header on mobile (@Mex7180 )
Other Tasks
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