Release 376
Support Java 21
- [#12885] Update backend libraries versions, support Java 21 (@wkurniawan07)
Account Request Form
@jayasting98 @EuniceSim142 @domoberzin @xenosf @dishenggg @cedricongjh @ziqing26
- [#13009] Handle Duplicate Approved Account Requests (@domoberzin)
- [#12957] Foundation for getting by ID in account request endpoints (@jayasting98)
- [#12898] Add status and comments to AccountRequest (@jayasting98)
- [#12989] Create Rejection Modal for Account Requests (@domoberzin)
- [#12987] Add AccountRequest Rejection email generator. (@EuniceSim142)
- [#12975] Add Edit and Approve Account Requests functionality (@domoberzin)
- [#12982] Create Update Account Request Action (@domoberzin)
- [#12950] Update SearchAccountRequests endpoint (@EuniceSim142)
- [#12944] Create instructor request acknowledgement email (@xenosf)
- [#12933] Update Admin Home Page UI for ARF (@domoberzin)
- [#12929] Upgrade instructor request form UI (@xenosf)
- [#12927] Add GetAllPendingAccountRequests API (@EuniceSim142)
- [#12926] Add new account request alert email for admins (@jayasting98)
- [#12985] Create reject account request endpoint (@xenosf)
- [#13029] Fix reject email content (@ziqing26)
- [#13038] Add sort by created_at for getAllPendingRequests (@EuniceSim142)
- [#13030] Remove mention of home page URL from confirmation email (@xenosf)
- [#13007] Get account request by uuid (@cedricongjh)
- [#13002] Update ResetAccountRequest to reference by ID (@dishenggg)
- [#12953] Add methods to get an account request by ID (@jayasting98)
Student Activity Logs
@dishenggg, @cedricongjh, @FergusMok
- [#12938] Update GetFeedbackSessionLogsAction to use SQL db (@dishenggg)
- [#12914] Create Logic and Db layer for FeedbackSessionLogs (@dishenggg)
- [#12895] Create FeedbackSessionLog entity and cron job action (@dishenggg)
- [#12973] Update front end for session activity logs (@dishenggg)
- [#13037] Fix front end bugs (@dishenggg)
Bug Fixes
- [#13059] Fix Rejection Modal (@domoberzin)
- [#13058] Fix console errors (@domoberzin)
- [#13032] Check if account request is not created by admin before sending email (@xenosf)
- [#13026] Fix Overlapping Tooltip (@domoberzin)
- [#13027] Fix Approval Email Bug (@domoberzin)
- [#12984] Fix Account Request Update Search Indexing (@domoberzin)
- [#13023] Fix getSessionResultAction bugs (@mingyuanc)
- [#12930] Update liquibase configuration (@NicolasCwy)
- [#13052] Migrate committers (@ziqing26)
Other Tasks
- [#12992] Remove feedbackSession attributes @fetch annotation (@NicolasCwy)
- [#13016] Migrate instructor home page e2e test (@cedricongjh)
- [#13014] Migrate InstructorStudentListPageE2ETest (@cedricongjh)
- [#13013] Migrate InstructorStudentRecordsPageE2ETest (@cedricongjh)
- [#12940] Migrate FeedbackNumScaleQuestionE2ETest (@marquestye)
- [#12994] create skeleton for sql LNP tests (@cedricongjh)
- [#12996] Create documentation for unit tests (@cedricongjh)