Releases: TEAMMATES/teammates
Releases · TEAMMATES/teammates
Release 369
Bug Fixes
- [#12492] Instructor edit sessions page: Fix preview sessions button overflow (@Zxun2)
- [#12477] Instructor edit sessions page: Fix add question button overflow. (@singhabhyudita)
- [#12456] Massive string is not correctly treated (@LarsGielen)
- [#12428] Notifications box overlaps with the page menu in the instructor help page (@techMedMau)
- [#12419] Instructor getting started page: Fix scroll to top (@itsAfnanAlam)
- [#12411] Admin logs page: Fix display of logs table on mobile (@yash29896)
- [#12408] Fix deleted feedback sessions table overflow (@Sho-Shoo)
- [#12409] Instructor editing feedback path of a question: unnecessary scrollbars (@athakaras)
- [#12406] Modify minimum page height to factor in footer height (@ryalin)
- [#12405] Instructor students page: accessibility issue for course summary headers (@athakaras)
- [#12389] Instructor courses page: fix margin of copy instructors from other courses modal on mobile (@b-walton)
- [#12401] Extension Confirm Modal: Misplaced submit buttons on mobile (@hollymvargas)
- [#12386] Admin notifications page: Fix notifications table overflow (@yujioshiro)
- [#12378] Instructor home page: Remove links to video tour (@anuth212)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#12509] Format error toasts (@domoberzin)
- [#12498] Allow instructors to use start/end dates up to 12 months in future (@Zxun2)
- [#12463] Make the table buttons easier to use on mobile devices (@athakaras)
- [#12500] Improve display for create course card header (@domoberzin)
- [#12496] Make instructor getting started page more prominent (@singhabhyudita)
- [#12427] Instructor view session results (course-wide): Improve accessibility of grouped responses (@athakaras)
- [#12439] Add 'course -> copy' option to the instructor home page (@damoba)
- [#12420] Instructor giving individual deadline extensions: give an easy way to select all those who have not submitted yet (@ellaella12)
- [#12410] Features page: Enlarge pictures on mobile (@damoba)
- [#12396] Instructor view session results (course-wide): Improve display of no-response card header (@rhyses-pieces)
- [#12394] Usage statistics and logs page: Improve date/time input on mobile (@aorlandou)
- [#12384] Instructor edit feedback session page: missing indication for tooltip (@rai31218)
Other Tasks
- [#12475] Add tests cases to FeedbackRankOptionsQuestionDetails (@leonardomilv3)
- [#12479] Create Unit Tests for Feedback*QuestionDetails classes (@aorlandou)
- [#12462] Added test for Instructor Course Edit Page (@justincavalli)
- [#12440] Add testing for sortCoursesBy method in instructor home page. (@YvetteJian)
- [#12443] Add test for restoreCourse in Instructor Courses Page (@justincavalli)
- [#12403] Consolidate duplicate modified timestamp modals (@ellaella12)
- [#12402] Create Unit Tests for FeedbackConstantSumQuestionDetails class (@landa44)
Release 368
Bug Fixes
- [#12298] Admin logs page: Fix overflow of "Clear all" button (@DeliaBarron)
- [#12369] Instructor courses page: fix copy instructors from other courses modal checkbox (@judith-n)
- [#12342] Admin logs page: Extension of query start/end time is not reflected in search range (@gordonscottkolb)
- [#12352] Add session: time picker constraint not applied correctly (@ellaella12)
- [#12348] Instructor sessions page: fix copy questions modal checkbox (@quantavoid11)
- [#12324] Instructor sessions page: Fix create feedback session card header (@vaheaslanyan)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#12323] Student submitting fewer responses than allowed: don't consider the question as 'not fully answered' (@DaMasterM, @MMilou24)
- [#12321] Show loading message below response loading spinner (@nielsly)
- [#12351] Instructor: support previewing results as a student (@fans2619)
- [#12249] Instructor results page stats tables: differentiate students with same team and name (@ellaella12)
- [#12381] PR template causing PR checker to automatically pass (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12370] Enhance Pull Request Template (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12358] [#10623] Update development, troubleshooting, and process documentation (@wkurniawan07)
Release 367
Bug Fixes
- [#12310] Modified session timing modal does not use updated session name (@meet0806)
- [#12316] Students viewing submission form: Some answered essay questions are not shown in green (@Khalid6468)
- [#12306] Fix rank options question on instructor edit session page (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12299] Fix rank recipients question mobile spacing (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12295] Instructor home page: Fix alignment of "Add New Course" button (@meet0806)
- [#12263] Fix rubric question overflow for instructors edit session page (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12270] About page: Remove extra space from links (@sra1kumar-NULL)
- [#12266] User-friendliness: Fix distribute points options question (@weiquu)
- [#12260] Wrap buttons vertically in mobile for instructor edit sessions page (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12253] Instructors editing session dates: disable calendar popup if the form is not in edit mode (@pgfrank1)
- [#12251] User-friendliness: Fix visibility dropdown overflow (@weiquu)
- [#12250] User-friendliness: Change feedback path dropdowns to column format on mobile (@weiquu)
- [#12228] Modify question headers for instructor (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12236] User-friendliness: Fix instructor edit sessions page MCQ and MSQ (@weiquu)
- [#12225] Minimise modal margin for mobile (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12219] User-friendliness: Fix screen reader issue for question description (@weiquu)
- [#12207] User-friendliness: Fix feedback path dropdown (@weiquu)
- [#12205] Create unique id for rubric table cell (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12201] User-friendliness: Make rubric question response table mobile responsive (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12200] Change text colour (@weiquu)
- [#12179] Fix dropdown caret overlap (@weiquu)
- [#12174] User-friendliness: Fix numerical scale question table in view responses page (@weiquu)
- [#12139] User-friendliness: Fix evaluee/recipient mobile text wrap (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12108] Tag all TEAMMATES pages with <main> (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12105] User-friendliness: Make header dropdowns focusable (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12096] User-friendliness: Fix margins on mobile (@weiquu)
- [#12239] Instructor help page: page not scrolling to content when anchor links used (@SetsunaS)
- [#12243] Fix scrolling mechanism when user click on scroll down button. (@noreddinelam)
- [#12224] Instructor help page: Page not scrolling to the right section (@noreddinelam)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#11891] Add Firebase Authentication (@xyliew25)
- [#12325] User-friendliness: Fix all remaining sortable table headers (@weiquu)
- [#12254] User-friendliness: Add labels to instructor edit sessions page questions (@weiquu)
- [#12220] User-friendliness: Add labels to input for essay question (instructor edit sessions page) (@weiquu)
- [#12209] User-friendliness: Fix custom visibility options (@weiquu)
- [#12197] Modify header of card to display content in column for mobile (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12155] User-friendliness: Add labels to rubric questions (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12172] User-friendliness: Add labels to rank options questions (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12164] Modify header and footer colours (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12167] User-friendliness: Add label to rank recipients question (@weiquu)
- [#12153] User-friendliness: Add labels and change "more info" button for team contribution questions (@weiquu)
- [#12150] User-friendliness: Add labels for distribute points by recipient questions (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12149] Add labels and groups to distribute points (options) (@weiquu)
- [#12148] Add labels for numerical scale questions (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12147] Add labels for MCQ questions (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12144] User-friendliness: Add labels for MSQ checkboxes (@weiquu)
- [#12140] User-friendliness: Add label to text input for essay questions (@weiquu)
- [#12104] Landmark questions in submit feedback page (@weiquu)
- [#12129] User-friendliness: Landmark questions in feedback sessions results page (@jasonqiu212)
- [#12272] Modify accessibility tests workflow to rerun failed tests once (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12082] Add accessibility tests workflow (@zhaojj2209)
Other Tasks
- [#12261] Add user-friendliness documentation (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12223] Fix remaining accessibility tests (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12206] Fix duplicate IDs in codebase (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12180] Remove Bootstrap column style override (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12162] Refactor accessibility test rule disabling logic (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12234] Add unit tests for SubmitFeedbackResponsesAction (@ellaella12)
Release 366
Bug Fixes
- [#12191] Instructor adding a new session: stray X in the form UI (@SudarshanSirsi)
- [#12187] Inconsistent spacing in headings of rubric question statistics (@asn001013)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#12193] raise-edge image should be removed (@sumitshinde-84)
- [#12216] Fix chromedriver setup (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12215] Fix PR workflow permissions (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12196] Add simple workflow to vet pull requests (@zhaojj2209)
Release 365
Bug Fixes
- [#12182][#12068] student viewing results: the spinner keeps going until the user clicks on the page (@zhaojj2209)
- [#12151] Instructor viewing results of rubric questions: missing space after checkbox (@Trumerik)
- [#12146] Resolve width issue for num scale question (@weiquu)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#12152] Add back per criterion averages to the stat table (@tjex)
- [#12051] Instructor copying sessions: preserve time when auto-changing dates (@andremralves)
Release 364
Bug Fixes
- [#12133] Instructor edit session times: timing restrictions are not as expected (@samuelfangjw)
Release 363
Bug Fixes
- [#12123] Instructor viewing results of rubric questions: some students not shown in the stats table (@samuelfangjw)
Release 362
Other Tasks
- [#12100] Update Angular to 14 and Node to 16 (@wkurniawan07)
- [#12095] Update Jetty library to 10 or 11 (@ohmoomtang)
- [#12083] Update Bootstrap library to 5.2 (@wkurniawan07)
Release 360
Bug Fixes
- [#12057] Fix navigation bar collapsing issue (@NaveenJoyGit)
- [#12044] Style page navigation menu items as links (@ellaella12)
New Features and Enhancements
- [#11949] InstructorFeedbackEditPage: include question type help in lightbox (@thikhinab)
Other Tasks
- [#12030] Add stricter checks for potentially destructive question edits (@cedricongjh)
- [#12054] Set app.admins field in to (@NaveenJoyGit)
- [#12040] Create Unit tests for FeedbackRubricQuestionDetails Class (@vitormanoel17)
- [#12047] Remove file storage infrastructure (@wkurniawan07)