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Map make
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makes maps from polar and cartesian fxns and stores them in the simulator format
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BadCpp authored Apr 12, 2022
1 parent 202fabe commit fe45d37
Showing 1 changed file with 128 additions and 0 deletions.
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
import cv2
#from PIL import Image
#from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import math
DEFAULT_SIZE = (256,256)
ORGIN = (DEFAULT_SIZE[0]//2,DEFAULT_SIZE[1]//2) #pixel space location of orgin
FUNCTION_SCALE = 0.1 #0.1 in fxn scale per pixel

def cart_test(x,y): #test fxn for cartesian
return x**2 - y

def polar_test(theta): #test fxn for polar
return math.sin(theta)

#plot a point on the array at x,y where x,y is coords from 0-size of image
#but, they are oriented to make a graph look correct
def plot_point(map,x,y,color=(255,255,255)):
map[DEFAULT_SIZE[1] - 1 - y,x] = color

#plot polar function-iterate over theta
def plot_polar(map,f,color=(255,255,255)):
theta = 0
T_STEP = 0.001
while theta < NUM_ROT * 2 * math.pi:
n = f(theta)
#cos(theta) outputs in function space, so we divide by
#fxn scal/pixel to get pixel space, then add the
#coordinates (in pixel space) of the origin
x = int(math.cos(theta) * n / FUNCTION_SCALE + ORGIN[0])
y = int(math.sin(theta) * n / FUNCTION_SCALE + ORGIN[1])
#get rect coords of f(theta)

#if its in the img
if x >= 0 and x < DEFAULT_SIZE[0]:
if y >= 0 and y < DEFAULT_SIZE[1]:

theta += T_STEP

def plot_cartesian(map,f,color = (255,255,255)):
corners = np.zeros((DEFAULT_SIZE[0],DEFAULT_SIZE[1]), np.uint8)

for x in range(DEFAULT_SIZE[0]):
for y in range(DEFAULT_SIZE[1]):
#convert x and y (pixel space) to fxn space
corners[x,y] = 1
#OK so this here is a bit interesting.
#See function cart_test(x,y) to understand a bit better
#for x**2 = y, to graph,
#just color all points where x**2 - y == 0 right? (for every x and y in fxn space)
# wrong. This only colors perfect squares
#so, what you must do is find boundary pixels between x**2 > y and y > x**2,
#since between those 2 is a 0 and thus a sxn to the
#exn is within this square, thus color
#thats whats held in this array, and the next loop colors all pixels by this method
for x in range(DEFAULT_SIZE[0]-1):
for y in range(DEFAULT_SIZE[1]-1):
a = corners[x,y]
b = corners[x+1,y]
c = corners[x+1,y+1]
d = corners[x,y+1]
if (a!=b or a!=c or a!=d):

def engorge(map,rad = 2):
newMap = np.zeros(map.shape,np.uint8)
for x in range(DEFAULT_SIZE[0]):
for y in range(DEFAULT_SIZE[1]):
if map[x,y,0] != 0:
newMap[x,y] = (255,255,255)
cont = True
for xoff in range(-rad,rad + 1):
for yoff in range(-rad,rad + 1):
if (x+xoff >= 0 and x+xoff < DEFAULT_SIZE[0] and y+yoff >=0 and y + yoff < DEFAULT_SIZE[1]):
if (map[x+xoff,y+yoff,0] != 0):
newRad = xoff**2 + yoff**2
if newRad < rad**2:
newMap[x,y] = (255,255,255)
cont = False
if not cont:
if not cont:

#for exvery pixel, if it has a white pixel within rad ditance, color it white
#this engorges the normally very thin graph lines to
#thick lines-a track.
return newMap

def makeImageFromFunc(name,cartFunc,polarFunc,orgin,pixelsToMeters=1,filepath=""):
blank = np.zeros((DEFAULT_SIZE[0],DEFAULT_SIZE[1],3), np.uint8)
plot_cartesian(blank,lambda x,y:y==0)
for c in cartFunc:
for p in polarFunc:
blank = engorge(blank)
#take engorged track image, apply canny edge to get track edges
edges = cv2.Canny(image=blank, threshold1=100, threshold2=200)
#cv2.imshow('Canny Edge Detection', edges)
edges = 255 - edges
#canny returns with thin white lines on black bckgrnd
#so invert colors to fulfill formatting for f1tenths
cv2.imshow('Final map', edges)
if (filepath != "" and filepath[-1] != "/" and filepath[-1] != "\\"): filepath = filepath + "/"

cv2.imwrite(filepath + name+".png", blank)
fobj = open(filepath + name+".yaml","w+")
fobj.write("image: "+name+".png\n")
fobj.write("resolution: "+str(pixelsToMeters)+"\n")
fobj.write("orgin: " + str(orgin)+"\n")
negate: 0
occupied_thresh: 0.45
free_thresh: 0.196
makeImageFromFunc("LOOP",[],[lambda theta:10],[0,0],1)

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