(under development)
I wanted to build a PHP application to improve my skills in PHP OOP architecture with a homemade framework.
before folder my-app:
$ php -S localhost:8000 -t my-app
or into my-app:
$ php -S localhost:8000
& in the browser bar:
This file /pages/templates/default.php interacts with public/index.php for routing.
You need only one time the session_start()
for home.php
& article.php
Dynamic routing
- public/index.php
ob_start() & ob_get_clean();
=> to store require into $content
(default.php), otherwise it will be erase.
if ($p === 'home') {
} elseif ($p === 'article') {
$content = ob_get_clean();
- pages/templates/default.php => $content
- old autoloader
* @param $class string
static function autoload($class) {
$class = str_replace('App\\', '', $class);
$class = str_replace('\\', '/', $class);
require '../app/' . $class . '.php';
I added a game to make my application more fun and to enrich my code with javascript. My goal was to switch values from php to javascript. The user can fight the computer by choosing between attack and defense.
- class/Game.php
- pages/game.php
- public/js/game.js
function get_username_from_cookie() {
if(isset($_COOKIE['username'])) {
return $_COOKIE['username'];
} else {
return false;
retrieve username from cookie
$username = get_username_from_cookie();
if($username) {
echo "Hello, $username !";
} else {
echo "No username was found into the cookie.";
retrieve cookie from others files
setcookie( string $name, string $value = "", int $expires_or_options = 0, string $path = "", string $domain = "", bool $secure = false, bool $httponly = false ): bool
setcookie($name(of cookie), $value = "Esteban", $expires_or_options = 0, $path = "", $domain = "", $secure = false, $httponly = false);
Indicates that the cookie should only be transmitted over a secure HTTPS connection from the client. When set to true, the cookie will only be set if a secure connection exists. On the server-side, it's on the programmer to send this kind of cookie only on secure connection (e.g. with respect to $_SERVER["HTTPS"]).
When true the cookie will be made accessible only through the HTTP protocol. This means that the cookie won't be accessible by scripting languages, such as JavaScript. It has been suggested that this setting can effectively help to reduce identity theft through XSS attacks (although it is not supported by all browsers), but that claim is often disputed. true or false
It is important to avoid storing sensitive data in cookies. It is also possible to define a cookie for a single session, like this:
$datacookie = "value";
setcookie("username", $datacookie);
Otherwise, if expiration data has been defined, we need to store the time before the date of creation, as shown in the example below:
setcookie("username", "", time() - 1)
- class/Autoloader.php
- class/Form.php
- class/Game.php
- pages/home.php
Fetch all table articles as shown below:
$pdo = new PDO('');
$res = $pdo->query('SELECT * FROM articles');
Return only one article from articles
$pdo = new PDO('');
$res = $pdo->query('SELECT * FROM articles');
$data = $res->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);