A command and control bot for the TORQ Digital Labs Discord server.
- Easy Installation
- Easy Configuration
- Simple to Use
- Docker Secrets Support
- A host with Docker installed.
- A host on a supported CPU architecture:
These commands can be issued by users on the server, and if the user is a member of a role with access to run that command, the command will be processed. Otherwise, an error will display, letting the user know that they aren't a member of the right role.
Command | Option | Example | Description |
/avatar |
target |
/avatar target:@Tyrelius#0001 |
Get the avatar URL of the selected user, or your own avatar. |
/beep |
- | /beep |
Beep! |
/kick |
target |
/kick target:@Tyrelius#0001 |
Select a member and kick them (but not really). |
/options-info |
input |
/options-info input:This is an example. |
Information about the options provided. |
/ping |
- | /ping |
Replies with Pong! |
/prune |
amount |
/prune amount:10 |
Prune up to 99 messages. |
/server |
- | /server |
Display info about this server. |
/user-info |
- | /user-info |
Display info about yourself. |
Before you run the TORQ Discord Bot's Docker container, you'll need to set up the bot inside of Discord at the Discord Developer Portal.
TODO: Add instructions for setting up the Discord bot.
If you haven't installed Docker yet, install it by running:
$ curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
$ exit
Then log out and log back in again, or reboot.
To automatically install & run the TORQ Discord Bot, simply run:
$ docker run -d \
--name=torq-discord-bot \
-e DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN=your_discord_bot_token \
-e DISCORD_BOT_CLIENTID=123456789012345678 \
-e DISCORD_SERVER_GUILDID=876543210987654321 \
-v ~/.torq-discord-bot:/usr/src/APP \
--restart unless-stopped \
💡 Replace
with your Discord bot's token.💡 Replace
with your Discord bot's OAuth2 client ID.💡 Replace
with the Server ID of the server this Discord bot will run on.💡 Your configuration file can be saved in
If you'd like to add the TORQ Discord Bot to a docker-compose, you can begin with this example:
Add this to /opt/compose/docker-compose.yaml
and run it with
$ docker-compose -f /opt/compose/docker-compose.yaml up -d
version: '3.7'
image: torqdl/discord-bot:latest
container_name: discord-bot
restart: unless-stopped
# ⚠️ Required if not using a config.json file in a volume:
DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: "your_discord_bot_token"
DISCORD_BOT_CLIENTID: "123456789012345678"
DISCORD_SERVER_GUILDID: "876543210987654321"
# ⚠️ Highly recommended to use Docker secrets,
# especially if you commit this code to a repo:
DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN_FILE: /run/secrets/token
DISCORD_BOT_CLIENTID_FILE: /run/secrets/clientId
# ⚠️ Required if not using environment variables,
# so that you can enter your config.json file:
- /opt/torq-discord-bot:/usr/src/APP
- token
- clientId
- guildId
file: /opt/compose/.secrets/token.txt
file: /opt/compose/.secrets/clientId.txt
file: /opt/compose/.secrets/guildId.txt
TODO: Add instructions for using the config.json file, or using the environment variables.
To update to the latest version, simply run:
$ docker stop torq-discord-bot
$ docker rm torq-discord-bot
$ docker pull torqdl/discord-bot
And then run the docker run -d \ ...
command above again.
If you are using Docker Compose, you can update with:
$ docker-compose -f /opt/compose/docker-compose.yaml pull
$ docker-compose -f /opt/compose/docker-compose.yaml up -d
- Initial release of the TORQ Discord Bot.
There are three main releases available from Docker Hub:
is the latest production release.:nightly
is the latest build from the master branch, but may not be ready for production release.:development
is the latest development build.
Additionally, you may pull individual versions from each branch.
- Production:
- Nightly:
- Development: