This dedicated course in Model Predictive Control (MPC) was given by Prof. Mazen Alamir, from September to November 2020.
Its content can be found at
The exercises were given in Checkpoints from 1 to 9. The questions are found on my professor's website.
In the folders there are the links to the questions, my codes, and my reports, i.e., my solutions and explanations to the Checkpoints.
Checkpoint 1: General questions regarding the introduction of the course
Checkpoint 2: General questions regarding the key variables in MPC formulations
Checkpoint 3: Programming a modified version of the simple integrator MPC
Checkpoint 4: Constructing the equality constraints representing the dynamics of LTI systems
Checkpoint 5: Constructing the quadratic cost function's matrices for LTI systems
Checkpoint 6: Designing unconstrained MPC solution for LTI systems
Checkpoint 7: Constructing the constraints matrices for LTI systems
Checkpoint 8: Implementing constrained MPC for LTI systems
Checkpoint 9: Implementing nonlinear constrained MPC using Casadi
By: Gia Quoc Bao TRAN