A bash script for scraping xvideos videos, profiles, channels and pornstars metadata in json.
install -m 755 xvideos-scraper /usr/bin
Here's example of a video and profile.
Profiles, channels and pornstars have the same format and are treated the same way.
Data is saved into files named by the sha256sum of their url.
Download metadata of video to DIR
xvideos-scraper -d DIR -v URL -v URL -v URL
xvideos-scraper -d DIR URL URL URL
Download metadata of profile, channel or pornstar using 8 threads
xvideos-scraper -t 8 -p URL -p URL -p URL
xvideos-scraper -t 8 URL URL URL
Download metadata of all profiles, channels and pornstars from sitemap
xvideos-scraper -P
Pass video URLS into the recursive spider
xvideos-scraper -V URL URL URL
Get some help
xvideos-scraper -h