Python app with tkinter GUI library to help rename ADX files for MvC2
Requires the following python libraries:
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import os
import shutil
App assumes you already have music converted to ADX (.adx), put them in ADXs folder and they should appear as an option in dropdowns.
Offers 4 options of playlists: 2 Track, 4 Track, 8 Track, and 32 Shuffle
Select a playlist then select a stage. Choose a ADX for your track listing and save.
It will output a .txt in the Playlists
folder for the respective playlist you are saving.
Will copy and rename .adx file to appropriate filename for selected playlist.
The newly created file will be in Output
folder and a subfolder for playlist.
Example: Output\2Track\ADX1S000.BIN
This is how the app should appear:
When using 32 Shuffle mode make sure to click a stage image to ENSURE NO STAGE IS SELECTED.
If you do not unselect a stage, your changes will not be saved.
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