Social media android application.
Overview: TabzSnap is a social media android application. Using this app, users can upload posts which consist of text or image or both and users can follow other users to see the posts uploaded by them. In order to upload posts and follow users, users have to first sign up.
❖ The features of this app are:-
Users have to sign up in order to upload posts and follow other users.
While signing up, users cannot use a username or an email id which is already present in the database, thus username and email id are unique for every user.
While signing up, users may choose to upload a profile picture or they may choose to skip the uploading of profile picture. If a user chooses to skip the uploading of profile picture, then a default picture serves as the user’s profile picture. (However, the user may upload a profile picture later, by editing his/her profile).
Users sign in by entering their email id and password.
The pictures uploaded by a user along with text, if any, will be the user’s posts.
Users can update their profile picture by selecting a picture from the device.
When signed in, users can view their profile and they can also view the profiles of other users who have an account on the app.
When users view their own profile, they have the option to delete a specific post uploaded by them. When a post is deleted, the page (activity) refreshes dynamically and the changes made to the database are reflected in their profile.
When signed in, users can edit their profile picture.
Users can see a list of all the users who have an account on the app and whom they have yet not followed (under ‘Find people to follow’).
Users can see a list of all the people whom they follow.
A user can view a list of all the people who follow him/her.
Users can unfollow the users whom they follow and users can follow the users whom they do not follow.
The user can see his/her posts and the posts uploaded by all the users whom he/she follows in his/her feed.
While viewing the feed, users have the option to swipe down to refresh the page (swipe-to-refresh feature), in order for changes in the database to get reflected in the feed.
Users can reset their password by receiving a password reset email.
While viewing the feed and profile, the back button of the android device is disabled so that nothing happens when the users press it. This is done in order to ensure smooth functioning of the app. To compensate for the disabling of the back button, buttons for smooth navigation are present in the app.
Users may only upload posts or follow users or edit their profile when they have an internet connection. Thus, for activities requiring internet connection, it is checked whether or not users have an active internet connection (i.e. wifi or mobile network). If not, then they are told that internet access is not available.
Layout and look of pages (activites) change depending upon the state of authentication (i.e.whether or not the user is signed in).
Responsive and appealing layouts.
❖ Technologies used:-
➢ Programming Language: JAVA ➢ Integrated development environment (IDE) : Android Studio ➢ Database: Firebase Firestore & Firebase Storage