Unofficial JavaScript implementation of the API.
yarn add takeaway
- Banks
- CheckVoucher
- Config
- CreateAccount
- Discounts
- GeoLocation
- HistoryDetails
- LoyaltyPoints
- ImportOrder
- Menucard
- OnlinePaymentStatus
- Order
- OrderWithOnlinePayment
- RecurringPayment
- ResetPassword
- RestaurantData
- RestaurantList
- Reviews
- ServerTime
- URLs
- UserAddressList
- UserLogin
- UserOrderHistory
- VietnamDeliveryArea
import {Takeaway, TakeawayConfig} from 'takeaway';
import {inspect} from 'util';
(async () => {
try {
// Initialize configuration
// See `src/config.js` for defaults
const config = new TakeawayConfig({
language: 'nl',
url: ''
// Initialize Takeaway API
const takeaway = new Takeaway(config);
// Fetch country
const country = await takeaway.getCountryById('NL');
// Login to the country specific site
const user = await country.login('', 'testpassword123');
console.log(inspect(user, false, null));
// Request restaurants list for area
const restaurants = await country.getRestaurants('7500', '52.0000000', '6.0000000');
console.log(inspect(restaurants, false, null));
} catch (err) {
# Clone Git repository
git clone
cd node-takeaway
# Install dependencies