Dynamic DB profiling and performance-testing tool that i made.
This tool is used to easily profile the DB of your choise with easily costumisable tests. It consists of two main modules:
- Connectors - wrapper for the connector DB library and basic functionality for each DB
- Tests - performance test that mesure the DB execution length You can easily write your own custom connectors and tests.
usage: profile_db_performance.py dbs [dbs ...] [-t TESTS [TESTS ...]] [-c COUNT] [--verbose]
positional arguments:
dbs DB connector to use for the tests
optional arguments:
-t TESTS [TESTS ...], --tests TESTS [TESTS ...]
Tests to preform.
-c COUNT, --count COUNT
How many times to repeat each test.
--verbose Display result for each test.
* If no TEST or COUNT are given, the default is set by the settings in const.py
* Non-verbose mode shows only the DB that's being currently profiled and the final results for each test
- Connectors - MongoDB, ZODB, SQLAlchemy (configured for MySQL)
- Tests (by default runs 10 times per test):
- read - Setup 2,000 records, read 1,000 recods by randomly generated IDs
- write - write 1,000 new records with randomly generated data
- update - Setup 2,000 records, update 1,000 recods by randomly generated IDs with randomly generated data
- "Invalid utf8mb4 chatacter" Warning message - A bug in the PyMySQL library caused by using a BLOB field in the tests
- General slow execution of test setups and cleanups - Yet to be resolved
- SQLAlchemy module can't handle sudden test termination - Yet to be resolved
- "No handlers could be found for logger "ZODB.FileStorage" " Warning message - Haven't added proper logging yet.