This assignment should have wireframes, a project planning board, a repo and a deployed site.
Create a dashboard that would be useful to you with 4 panes that auto refresh every 5 minutes and have refresh buttons to refresh information. You will use 4 apis for this.
Each pane should have its own class containing all of its functionality as well as its own layout. You must use some way to display data quantitatively in atleast one pane (This could be using a table or charting library such as D3.js)
One of the API's can be an API of your own creation. To quickly mock up an API you may use a service like json-server (Links to an external site.)
Your Page should have:
A header that displays the title of your dashboard 4 panes with titles and displays of information, this information should be customized by you Here are some examples of dashboards: (Links to an external site.) Rules:
No Bootstrap or CSS frameworks, you must use all of your own styles No JavaScript Frameworks, however you may use JavaScript Libraries to help display your information (i.e., D3, chartsJS, etc) Must use semantic HTML tags and validate your HTML using an HTML Validator You must keep track of status using github projects
Remove my content and build your own dashboard. The files in here show an example of using front end modules and classes to seperate code functionality