An introduction to Jest, Cypress and Stryker testing frameworks
- Watch this video and follow along with the code base
- Follow along with this playlist of tutorials to practice writing Jest tests with angular
- Fork and clone this repository. Follow along with this tutorial to write Jest tests for this application
Introduction to End to End Testing (E2E)
- Go through this Cypress tutorial for adding cypress to an existing angular application.
- Watch and follow along with this tutorial to learn to install and run cypress tests. Solution Code
- Follow along with this tutorial with this starter repo
** Watch this first to get a good understanding of the concepts of Mutation Testing: Introduction to Mutation Testing **
- Introduction to Stryker
- Setting up Stryker with Angular
- Here's an example of Stryker being used with an angular application. Fork and clone this repo and take a look at the code and Stryker configurations
If you have any questions or issues, please reach out to a TalentPath instructor on slack or discord.