v1.2 Final pre-release
- Completed issue #10 (implemented progress bars in THP Player/Viewer)
- Fixed an issue with preset crop settings values not updating from current setting when switching the current THP video from dropdown box
- Better UI arrangement in THP Viewer/Ripper section (more group boxes)
-- Made app wider, in order to be slightly less cluttered with above group box changes - Implemented functionality for "Full Log" option.
-- All FFMPEG/FFPlay stderror output is piped to a temp file, and then read into the logger
-- THPConv output also piped into logger.
-- Irfanview calls are not logged, due to difference in how the app operates for this application. - Added a new file into the data fileset, "FileSet.txt"
-- Informational file which lists this fileset's
--- Game
--- Desc
--- Author
--- Version
--- Creation date.
-- Data is displayed in new fields within Options tab
-- Updated stock MKWii Fileset with the new file
-- Changed MsgBox_Log function to record source code line file (WIP)
Next released should be v1.2 final (Thwimp CLI functionality #9)!