Prometheus Exporter for A2S protocol-compatible servers.
cpanm install Coro AnyEvent AnyEvent::Handle::UDP Data::Dumper::Perltidy Prometheus::Tiny
I wrote this tool to provide global statistics on bunnyhop game servers. It uses a very simple mechanism based on AnyEvent::Handle::UDP
for submitting queries and can probably easily scale to thousands of servers.
A2S queries provide the following information:
- Server name, tags, etc
- Player counts, kills
- Current map
Currently, it only tracks the number of players.
This program has not been tidied, and may have unexpected behaviour!
- Add a timer routine to query the masterserver list for servers with specific tags
- Add all bunnyhop servers to the list
- Make the lookup table mechanism a bit nicer?
- Move the hardcoded values out into a hash
- Add map tracking (with prometheus labels)